10 Smart Ways to attract Top Talents to Your company

Every company is trying to attract and retain top talent. The same goal operates in small businesses. Since employees are the source of economic growth and business success, it’s important to make innovative attempts to attract talents contributing to better results. In this article, we will introduce 10 creative ways of attracting talent to companies. These methods work good in various employment fields, with some surprising strategies to recruit candidates. For successful interviewing techniques, check this article.

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Many hiring platforms like Indeed, LinkedIn, and Fratres are filled with thousands of applicants who perceive themselves fit for the posted jobs. Hiring managers are to face and explore this massive number of applications posts to keep those who have the required talent. To make this work easier, they use many techniques

Attracting talents

1.      A Quiz or a Form 

Many companies make an online quiz or form to limit the time for searching for the needed profiles. They integrate a quiz or a form inside the application site to test the applicants ‘skills and pick the talents they want. With these quick questions, hiring managers would select candidates in reference to the way they answered.

2.      Check Recommendation Letters

Many companies adopt experienced employees who got positive reviews from their previous employers. Before interviewing the suggested candidates, hiring managers to check recommendation letters that offers more information about employee’s talents. These referrals can attract new talents and bring mutual benefits for both employers and employees from this recruitment process.

3.      Asking for Samples

asking for samples

Talent hunt is not usually a clear and open discovery. You can predict the strengths and the skills of your applicant, before making use of them. You need to see a sample work of each employee before discussing the details of your recruitment. When an employer perceives an impressive sample, this is a sign of well-elaborated work and talents. Therefore, attracting talents can be also based on exploring samples that indicate skills and experience.

4.      Making Specific Events

Some companies organize events in the search of the perfect talent. This is very common in foreign countries, where companies require a call for papers or a specific exhibition in an event. This can be an open way to hunt talents in front of many candidates and professionals. It can be also considered as a competition or a competitive game where the winner is the most talented. To explore the different event and competition in Pakistan, check this link Pakistan Expo Center

5.      Check Follow up Messages

Many employees anticipate more interaction after their first interview. As an employer, you need to give a second chance to those who try to keep in touch with you. Check the follow up messages and review the new elements attached in your email. You can re-interview these candidates again in case you feel a genuine interest in the job. Choose those who acted more enthusiastic and talented.

6.      Social Media and Networking

Adding to job sites, there are many social media platforms that include both job seekers and project owners. It happens that recruiters seek candidates by posting on social media their job requirements. This is very common. For example, Facebook includes thousands of pages and groups confined to employment. More professional data can be shared on LinkedIn. Employers can employ keywords on social media, including the talents they are looking for.

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7.      Contacting Recruiting Agencies:

Recruiting agencies can be considered as an effective method to attract talents and to finding new employees. Recruiters contact these agencies for job candidates. HR managers are operating in such areas. They can match employers with potential employees by making arrangements between them. it is important to resort to HR recruiters to find exactly the necessary talents and qualities in these people. Agency managers introduce recruiters with the skills and qualities of the chosen profiles. 


8.      Advertising

Advertising is not used for consuming purposes but also for employment. Classic job announcements used to be available on Newspaper ads. Although this method still works today, it is considered less effective and trendy in recruiting, as people use the internet more than newspapers. Other advertising methods appear online or printed and exhibited on large screens like billboards or posters. Whatever the advertising method is, employers use them to attract the best candidates.

9.      Internship

Some companies require an internship for a specific number of candidates in order to decide whom to keep in the end. This period of the pre-hiring process helps employers to have an eye on the potential employees. The internship is not necessarily for fresh graduate or inexperienced applicants.

It can be rather for expats or for employees to make a transition from one level to another. For more information about a career change, check this article.

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10.    Arranging Meetings  

Employers arrange meetings from period to period to plan new strategies for their hiring methods. In such meetings, employers discuss with managers and advisors about how to categorize top performers in the company and how to bring similar applicants. They can also plan for a complete job change, which can be based on hiring freelancers who have an interesting portfolio. They can also allocate a specific budget for the most talented and reproductive employees. For better job satisfaction, check this article:

How Employers Can Boost Job Satisfaction of Their Employees

These were the 10 possible ways that employers follow searching for very talented employees. If you have an interesting set of skills and talents, focus on these tips to get anticipated ideas about what employers want.


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