13 Best Way to get an Interview

After checking multiple job applications, a Hiring manager likes to meet candidates to decide which one to choose. This meeting is known as a job interview. It is a session of questions and answers through which the applicants' solutions can draw the lines between them.

How to Get an Interview?

Of course, there are steps to do to win a job interview. This article will disclose to you the secret tips to ace a job interview. You can also read;

How Long Does it Take to Hear Back From an Interview ?

1. Be Punctual:

how to get an interview

Coming on time to a job interview shows how serious you are. You need to go to the appointment on time, well dressed. It is better not to bring anyone with you, especially your kids, if you are a parent. For more information, read this;

What to Bring to a Job Interview?

2. Be Well Prepared:

This advice doesn’t only concern the way you should look, but also the way you should respond. Anticipate the questions that will be asked before the interview. Get ready to answer them after thinking about the best answers. To be prepared for these questions, you should review the most common questions that may be asked in the job interviews.

3. Know the Rules:

If you can gather some information about the company, you want to work with. It will help you become familiar with the company's policy. You can do that by visiting the company’s website or by asking previous employees there.

4. Dress Well

Taking care of your clothes is a necessary step. It gives a positive initial impression on your personality. It is not preferable to wear jeans, tight clothes and too many accessories for the job interview. For more tips, check this article:

Dressing for Interviews


Interview Tips and Tricks

interview tips

1.Greetings: start by greeting your interviewer.

2. Introduce Yourself: Politely present yourself. For an accurate self-introduction, read this;

How to Best Introduce Yourself at a Job Interview

3. Be Friendly: When the person in charge of your interview reaches out to shake your hand, shake his hand, and be confident. Look at the person who is shaking your hand, because looking at the floor or somewhere else gives a sense of non-confidence to the other side.

 4. Follow the Etiquettes: Don't sit before the person who is interviewing you does. Wait until you are authorized to sit down.

 5. Be Calm and Normal: Try to reduce the volume of conversation so that the speaker does not get annoyed. Your voice should not be too loud to hear. Do not use sophisticated words to show that you are very advanced in knowledge. You should answer at the same level, concise and straightforward data, so that you do not appear nervous in front of your speaker.

 6. Avoid Long Pauses: It's not wrong to have a time of silence to gather your thoughts or review what you want to say before you answer a question. But, be careful concerning this long time, and request your speaker if you need more time to answer. Don't talk too much about what appears to be dominating your talk. For example, don’t show too much interest in the salary. 

7. Be Objective: Stay focused and objective, and don't rush to expect what your speaker is about to ask you and start answering before the interviewer completes his question. Don't try to make him feel that you know more than him, because the goal of your meeting is not to compete with him or show all your abilities, but to show order, strategy, and management.

8. Group Interview Expectation: If the interviewers are a group of people, do not try to focus on just one who questions in the meeting. Share your concern with all of them. We will publish an article for group interviews. You can check it from the blog

9. Focus: Remember that what matters to the interviewer, in the first place, is how well you will contribute to the job. Therefore, you need to show your potential services and skills, such as I can work with a group. I can work under stress, etc..

10. Be The Perfect Match: Provide expertise and skills for the applied job position and match them with the job description. This is evident in the use of professional terms to answer your interview questions.

11.Emotional Balance: It is an essential condition in which the applicant should be a balanced person. This can be shown by keeping calm, emanating from self-confidence. Reduce facial and body expressions.

12. Salary Agreement: this is the final stage of your job interview. It is about your salary expectations. In most cases, the salary rate is determined by the type of job, the qualifications and the professional level of the individual, and the years of experience or seniority. If, during the interview, you were asked about the expected salary, mention your salary in your previous job, or check from the internet the average salary of the applied job. Your demands should be logical and equivalent to the average salary rate.

salary expectations

13. Prepare These Questions: Here are some of the questions that are usually asked in a job interview:

- Did you perform military service?

- Do you have a driver's license?

-Do you have a car? (These types of questions are repeated, especially when applying for a job in sales or marketing.)

- How far away is your place of residence from the company's location?

- Do you speak foreign languages?

- Do you have a first aid license?

- Do you have any health problems that can hinder you and this job?

- What training or courses have you received to improve your skills at work? 

- Are you studying any other studies at the current time, or are you planning to do so?

- Do you prefer to work as a team member, or do you prefer to work alone?

- Are you a creative person?

- Are you available for night shifts?

- Do you consider yourself the required person? And why?


This was a sample of the questions that are likely to be asked, including the tips to win the interview. You should consider answering each question before coming to the meeting. If you want a specific article, contact the blog to send us your suggestions. We are available to offer help at any time. You can also visit the career advice section for more professional tips. I wish you all the best in your interview.


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