5 Jobs In Tanzania That Require No Skills

According to interpolation of the latest United Nations in June 2022 the population of Tanzania is 63.28 million. With a poverty rate of 27% according to the 2021 census, it is nearly impossible to develop a country into a better place for living. People are striving hard to earn bread and bed for a day nowadays after the Covid-19 hit and shook the world. People with no degrees, zero basic knowledge and lack of skills are unable to get a job to earn. 

We have compiled a list of jobs for those people who are willing to work regardless of the degree and skills they lack. Having no skills to look for a job is no more an issue in Tanzania. It is demotivating to think about a lack of skills and expertise but still one is always capable of doing different things. There are a lot of earning opportunities in Tanzania that need no expertise or skills.

 People have different abilities which they think of as routine work and never thought to earn from them. Following are a few jobs that a person could get with very short skills. Every job mentioned below has importance in different ways. What's more, the benefit of doing these daily wage jobs is it keeps a person mentally active and healthy.


The only fundamental obligation a babysitter will have in this job is to effectively protect the child while the parents of the child are away. Though not many skills are needed it is a great responsibility to look after the child with all attention. A good set of eyes to stay alert, a quick responder and honesty are all a person needs to babysit a child. One has to come to the level of the kid to keep him engaged and happy. It is a per-hour wage job. University of college-going students can earn enough from this job. The average hourly wage a babysitter or nanny earns in Tanzania is 2,990 TZS.

Taxi driver 

taxi driver jobs in tanzania


Airport cabs, uber, local taxis' and other driver assisting services in Tanzania are a great opportunity for people to earn daily wages by just taking rides. A car, an Internet phone, good health and car insurance and a driving license are all a person needs to start earning. Some apps let you take rides wherever and wherever you are available. Uber is an international app for drivers and riders working worldwide. In case a person can not afford a car he can lend a car from someone else and work on daily wages by sharing a minimal profit with the car owner. The more rides a person will complete the more he will earn in a day. The average hourly wage a taxi driver earns in Tanzania is 2,250 TZS.


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Loading and unloading trucks or containers is tough work. If a person is young and physically fit he can easily perform this job. It's a per-hour wage. Normally the per hour wage of a loader is higher than other workers. With a short learning course, a person can work with hydraulic loading-unloading machines and work smartly. Organizations owning warehouses are always in need of loaders at the warehouse. A person can easily earn his bread and bed of the day by working a day in the warehouse. The average hourly wage a loader earns in Tanzania is 3200 TZS.


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Working as a salesman is the only job where no special skills are needed. A person can work in various areas of retail or wholesale services and commodities. Nowadays sales persons are required everywhere from departmental stores to shopping malls, retail stores, wholesale stores and for selling products home to home.


 To be a good salesman all a person needs is to be well dressed, have patience, should be good at communication, should be fully aware of the specification of the product or service the person is selling. It is a weekly or monthly paid job. A salesman in Tanzania earns from 388,000 TZS per month to 97000 TZS per week.


Home Cleaners


Home Cleaners, maids, housekeepers or helpers are becoming a very demanding job nowadays. People have set up apps for hiring people for domestic work nowadays. It is usually an hourly-paid job or a contract based on a month or more, depending on the hirer and the other person providing the service. It includes basic home cleaning, patio cleaning or kitchen cleaning etc.


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 All a person needs is cleaning products like cleaning chemicals etc, mops and special brushes, pressure washers and a good Internet and phone. Register yourself on a phone and do jobs on minimal wages initially and get good reviews and referral work later. Housekeepers or home cleaners earn from a minimum of 77,000 TZS per month to 600 TZS per hour in Tanzania.


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