5 Reasons Why You Need to Hire Job Searching Coach

The way to apply for a job has changed nowadays. In Pakistan, there are many platforms that offer employment and freelance projects. They offer categorized careers and employment search engines in English and in Urdu. Fratres is one of the most famous and important job searching platforms. Submit your CV  to discover the various job opportunities there. However, in other societies, there is a solution for chasing employment  called; hiring a job coach or a career coach.

Who is a Job Coach?

 A Job Coach is a motivator who will teach you how to get a job and how to promote yourself in a smart and fast process. A Job Coach can be an influencer, who gives you tutorials and advice to reach the best job experience, you are looking for. He or she can advise you and train you either to get a job, change your career or run a business. If you are struggling with your present job, check this article:

Comprehensive List of Good and Bad Reasons to Leave the Job

However, you have to be cautious. Any online figure is NOT a job coach.

There are many youtubers pretend to be job coach or many people online claim that they can coach you and teach you to get a job, while they don’t.

job coach characteristics

A job coach should have:

  • a degree in coaching
  • a self-help book
  • a blog for career advising

How Much Does it Cost to Hire a Job search Coach.

The costs of hiring a career coach vary from one coach to another. Some freelance career coaches have their specific teaching website and demand payment per hour. Others work for private institutes and require your attendance to their classes.  We can not give a specific number concerning the costs because everything depends on the coach you have chosen.

Reasons for Hiring a Job coach

Hiring a job coach or subscribing to his/ her online lectures depends on many reasons. If you are facing some challenges and missing important opportunities, it’s time for you to boost your professional skills and learn from experts to avoid unemployment and loss of time and money. Here are the 5 major reasons that explain why it is necessary to follow consultants or coaches for preparation to employment.

1.   Enhancing Self-Confidence

Self-confidence plays a major role in getting a job and better interacting with hiring managers in a job interview.  A job coach works on making you a more confident person, so that you become able to face difficulties, manage stress, avoid exploitation. When you hire a job coach, he/ she will start by testing your personality and especially you level of self-confidence because it’s the most demanded attitude in the field of business and employment. If you are invited to attend a job interview, check this;

Ultimate Guide, How to answer 27 most common interview Questions

2.   An Expert Feedback. 

A job coach is the one who can give you an honest review of your job searching journey. This is called an expert feedback because he/ she knows what is in massive demand in the job market and from where to start your job seeking journey. Of course, this coach will not just give opinions and ideas about employment. He will outline for you a plan based on crash courses to get the necessary skills for employment. In fact, after a few sessions, the job seeker will realize that his/ her job coach has put her in the short path leading to the targeted job. In other words, a job Coach gives an expert opinion that will help you direct your job search. To avoid hesitation on what career to choose, check this link.

job coach feedbacks

I Don't know what Career I Want. Let’s Figure this Out

3.   Help you start your own business

Job coaches are not only there to help people change their career or find a new job. They have other coaching based on leadership training, management and investment. In the field of business, new managers are afraid of taking risks, losing their costly investments and earning less revenue. Job coaches know about these hazards and worries. Therefore, they can provide you the tips needed to guide and manage effectively small projects and how to develop them into bigger projects. For example, a job coach can suggest you an earning project fit to you budget and settle the strategies to promote and share your services with an effective team that help you construct your business.

4.   Help you Decide Your Career Option:

Taking decisions is not easy. For this reason there are many advisors and consultants devoted for people to give them the right path. If you are afraid of the consequences of your choices, consider a job coach, who would help you start researching for answers to your questions. This coach would introduce you to different careers or assess with you about the demands of the new industries. If you want to know what are the best careers in 2020, check this important article:

Best Jobs in year 2020

5.   Help You avoid Scammers

There are many fake job opportunities and promises to work for big companies. In fact, it is very often to hear about people who got scammed by certain alleged companies and remained without work. Therefore, it is important to be cautious and to pay attention to any job announcement, especially those announcements that require fees or payment in exchange of being hired later.  A job coach is needed to help you sort out what is true or not, especially when you’re tempted by a job offer with a great salary but requires bizarre conditions like paying money in advance. A job coach would investigate about these attractive announcement and would clear things to you and inform you whether this job is real or a scam.

job coach benefits

 Job search in Pakistan

Since one of the job coach major responsibilities is to direct your job search, here is a list of tips that a job coach do to help get a job.

  •   Help you communicate with important employers.
  •  Suggest you to attend events and speeches to learn new skills.
  • Enable you to meet more professional people to set your goals for a better job opportunity.


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