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  • 8 Common Reasons for Firing an Employee in Australia

8 Common Reasons for Firing an Employee in Australia

If you think that not doing your job correctly will be the only reason an employer can fire you, you have to rethink. Tons of other reasons are out there. You should know all about the reasons that may become a reason for your contract termination in Australia. Today, I would like to talk all about those reasons.


We all make mistakes some days. Accepting the mistake is a better approach in the workplace, rather than setting a cover-up story. If you think that manager won't get an idea about your mistake and you can get away with it, then you are wrong.

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Even professionals make mistakes but covering them up, and staying dishonest might not help you stay on the job. Employers will forgive you if you accept your mistake. However, when you cover your lies and mistakes with stories, sooner or later, the truth will come to the surface. And probably it will become a reason for termination.

Learn to Terminate an Employee


Your workplace behavior should be according to company policies and rules. Employers define behavior rules in agreement. Some behaviors are simply not acceptable. You should check your employee handbook to get an idea of what's allowed at your workplace and what's not. For example, many companies don't allow employees to accept gifts from customers. If you keep accepting gifts from clients, sooner or later, this attitude will backfire. It means losing your job.

Dress Code Violation

If you think that you can wear anything and don't like the idea of following company policy, you are seriously at fault. At first, the employer gives a warning to the employee so he can follow some rules. If he doesn't abide by company policy about dress code, employers consider it a serious violation. It's because a dress code reflects a company image, and when an employee won't follow it the way the employer wants, he needs to face the music.

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Bad Mouth/Insulting Language

An employer doesn't like politics at the workplace. If you bad mouth about your colleagues and share workplace stories everywhere, you would have to encounter some warnings. No one tolerates bad and insulting language. 

You are a professional who needs to use words carefully. If you are a bully or don't respect people around you, employers won't tolerate it- no matter how good you are at your job. 

When you use insulting language and bad mouth around- you affect workplace culture adversely. Employer gives a warning to you, but when you keep doing that, he will take serious action against you.

Resume Lies

Many job seekers think that if they make an amazing resume by adding some lies, it doesn't matter. The thing is, it matters the most. Maybe your employer won't notice that lies at first. Later on, when he explores that your skills and experience are nothing but straight-up lies, it would cause you a job and lousy reputation in the job market. He will terminate your contract based on these lies. If he is an arrogant employer, he will tell other recruiters, so getting another job will become simply hard. So, please avoid this thing if you don't want to get fired on a job.

resume lies why employees get fired on a job

Rumor Mill

Do you spread rumors around? You may like gossiping about your colleagues and boss. The reason employers don't like it is that rumors disturb the work pattern. It may be a minor thing, but it can disrupt the whole business operation in the long run. So, a person who spreads rumors only for the sake of gossiping and fun, certainly the employer would like to terminate his contract.

Risk of Damage 

If an employee's behavior or action causes a risk of Damage for the employer, he gets full rights to terminate your employment contract. For example, you telling a client something that you are not supposed to share is simply adding up a risk factor for your company. You might damage his reputation and cause him to go out of business with a straightforward mistake of yours. Thereby, speak before you share or do anything.


Disclosing Vital Information


If you are working on a job where you disclose essential information to a third party while you are supposed to keep it secret, the employer will fire you. It's because every company has a specific policy where you can't share important and key information with anyone. So, sharing it with a third party means not abiding by company rules. Employer will terminate you and take some actions against you -especially when this divulgement causes some problems in his company. So, be ready to face a million-dollar lawsuit. 

Notice Period

Although a two-week notice period is the main requirement, sometimes the employer doesn't give you any notice. In case of serious misconduct, you will have to leave the workplace right away.


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