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CV Writing Guide for Kuwait

A good CV includes all the information recruiters are looking for within a few minutes. An eye-catching CV is a clear and concise document matching the requirements listed in a job description. Are you planning to apply for a job? Do you want a CV that stands out from the crowd? What can be the CV specialties for working in Kuwait? Let’s find out.

Employment in Kuwait:

employment in kuwait

Kuwait is an attractive Gulf land filled with promised opportunities. As a land housing foreigners from non-Arab countries, applying for jobs there requires meeting the terms and conditions listed in a job description. To deliver the impression that you are the best candidate, you have to submit a job winning CV. A CV is a document that can exceed a single page. It lists the main professional information of you such as, your experience, degrees, skills and achievements. There are many CV standards and many CV types.

 To obtain a job in Kuwait your CV should have the following features:

-Written in a professional language:  A CV is not a descriptive essay. It is based on keywords employed in the job description. It is usually written in English or Arabic.

-Following the US or Arabic standard: formulating a CV requires listing the exact information; such as the date of obtaining the job and its location, main roles, etc..

-Having a readable aspect: you should choose a font size that clearly shows your written content.

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CV writing Tips:

cv writing tips

A CV is a pre-selection tool for obtaining a job interview. A successful CV is the one that matches the job you have selected. There is no single CV version applicable to all jobs and professions. Each CV is specific and suitable for one job. Although hiring managers receive thousands of CVs, they can filter out copied materials, or a CV used for jobs elsewhere. Therefore, if you have an old written CV, you should not directly submit it for your target job. Try to update that old CV by putting in the necessary changes. If this is your first CV, you should consider these guidelines: 

Kuwait Workplace Culture Guide

1.Choose the Right Font:

If you are using a Microsoft document, you have to manually prepare your document. A CV should preferably fit on one page. You can choose a classic font (Arial or Times in size 11 or 12) on a white background. Beware of spelling mistakes! Proofread it before sending it. Today, applications regardless of the sector can be sent by email. Do not forget to attach your CV as an attachment in PDF format preferably (if not, use a Word file).

2. Write your Name and Content Information:

At the top left, you can write your first name and last name (in capital letters), age (if required), telephone number and email. The postal address is no longer necessarily necessary. So, there is no need to write your residence address. Just write your first name, followed by a family name. Then, back to a new line with a small spacing put your phone number, your email address and links to your Twitter or LinkedIn account

3. A CV Template:

The presentation of your CV matters. It gives the impression that you have a modern concern for your CV by moving from a classic CV look to a new version. A well-presented CV, with a little color, makes recruiters want to read it. Originality can have its place as long as you adapt to the field in which you are applying. Certain areas require originality, such as marketing or design. But when you apply for a teaching or an administrative position, recruiters expect something more classic. Jobs in Kuwait for Freshers

3. Profile:

CV writing examples

A short intro informing employers who you are and what you did can be an important encouragement to read the rest. A profile is an important section in a CV that highlights your previous experiences/ training, some personal traits, skills, and intention to apply for the current position. Here is an example:

 An ambitious electrical engineer, with 2 years of electrical installation programs, and 8 months of training in construction companies, endowed with creativity and interested energy management programs, having participated in the Stars of Science Competition with an electro intelligent project, looking for valuable opportunity in this establishment with the pledge of well-representing the company’s image and positively contribute to its success.

Take a look at; Writing Cover Letters for Kuwait Jobs

3. Work Experience/ Internship:

This section depends on the applicant’s situation. If you are an entry-level applicant, list your training opportunities, be it in Kuwait or overseas. If you are an experienced applicant, select the job titles similar to the current position and mention them in a chronological order. Start with the newest training/ experience to the oldest one. List the main tasks in each job/ internship. Example:

Sales Associate (2017-2019) Miranda Company, Morocco.

  • Taking customer orders
  • reviewing purchasing receipts
  • Answering customer queries/ complaints

Bookkeeper (2013-2017) WXC Company, Morocco:

  • establishing financial reports
  • reviewing receipts
  • deducting taxations

4. Education:

Any obtained qualification that meets the requirements listed in a job description should be put in your CV. If you have more than a degree, choose the one that is applicable for the position. Do not, for example, list a Ph.D. degree for a profession requiring a less than a Bachelor’s degree. Overqualified applicants may not be accepted for a less-academic position. Make it easier for a recruiter to read your academic path. Put your necessary qualifications in chronological order: first write the recent certificates/ degrees. Include some grades if necessary. Here is an example:

Bsc. Commerce, 2014, University of Finance & Commerce, Morocco.

      Maths 75%, Commerce 80%, Finance 85%

For each degree, indicate on the left the year, and on the right the title of the degree, the name of the institution and the city. If you are graduating from a renowned university, you can specify this in bold.

6. Skills:

The 'Skills' section should not be too busy. This part can be broken down into paragraphs. Examples:

  • Languages ??("English: school level, Spanish: fluent"). 

Note your language tests such as TOEFL score.

  • Computer tools/ skills (list the mastered software)
  • Driver's license
  • First aid diplomas

7. Interests:

You can write in this column that you have regular activities that you can talk about in the interview. Show your personality and your dynamism through the choice of your activities, by being as precise as possible such as Writing, traveling, exercise. Avoid time consuming activities such as cinema, entertainment, etc..

These were the top 7 components of a CV for employment in Kuwait. If you are applying for front-office jobs, adding a photo to your CV can help you meet the sought-after profile


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