Here is what are people are saying about career development

From the very first time you start working, you might be curious about the upcoming destinations of the chosen field. Within the current global changes, you may not choose to continue working within the same position. Aspiring for the top of the professional hierarchy is one of stages of career development. Although each field and sector has its terms and conditions for professional progression, there are certain generalities to follow. Here is what you need to know about career development in Russia.

Career Development in Russia:

career development in Russia

Inside any organization or institution, there is a certain hierarchy that divides the professional roles between various specialists. These features are drawing the difference between an entry-level applicant and a Senior one. Since the majority of professionals are interested in better positions, in Russia, career development is not necessarily about promotions at work. Some sectors grant different rewarding stages for its working staff. When you succeed in your first job, you might think of developing better professional experiences, which can be either in the same field or in a distinct one. The concept of career development requires certain conditions to advance in your career. You should always search for the necessary tips to grant a professional evolution that leads to job satisfaction. As an ambitious applicant, progressing in your career is about applying the professional rules available in the Russian corporate culture or labor code. If you are not too much into the Russian professional laws and you want the quickest summary of career development tips, sign up to Fratres. Fratres is an international job portal that houses the professional opportunities available around the world. It’s a well-trusted website with career advice that will change your professional future and your vision about employment. So, take a look at the previous articles posted on Fratres.

1.The Flexible Notion of Development:

The common assumption in Russia is that career development is the process of gradual promotions. This takes several aspects such as shifting from a junior specialist to a senior one, or from a department head to a top manager or a Chief position. Career development is not always about management. Not everyone is entitled to take managerial positions, no matter the field or sector. The notion of development is always flexible. Sometimes it is conditioned by seniority at work, qualifications, and level of professional experiences.

2. Learn about Career Development Principles:

career development principles

In Russia, there are two main principles of career development, known as vertical and horizontal types. Each career growth type is entitled depending on the sector and the field. Each of them has its specific requirements such as the suitable time for career shift, the sought-after profile that will occupy the new position, and the professional hierarchy within the field.

3. Vertical type vs horizontal type of career development:

 As a professional operating in Russia, you need to know the difference between the available career development types. In order to identify the pros and cons of each type and which one is suitable for you, you need to draw the difference between them

-Vertical career development type: as it tells from its name, this type presents the shift from the lowest position to the highest one. For example, you can shift from an intern or an assistant to an official employee. This vertical type depends on the professional hierarchy and promotes the applicant either through internal candidacy or seniority at work.

-Horizontal career development type: this type usually occurs within the same work environment or in the same field. A horizontal career development is about keeping the same position, including additional advantages such as the decrease in the tasks and responsibilities, the increase of salary etc..

4. Learning the advantages of each type:

As an ambitious professional when you plan for development, you need to know the advantage of each career growth type. Estimating these benefits will help you decide which career development type to choose. Although a vertical career path is always the noticeable form of professional promotions, the responsibilities in this type are complex and numerous. Adding to the assigned tasks, vertical career development includes operating in the work of others. That is, you will have additional duties, including the supervision of interns and other expanded functions in return for a better job title and salary. Horizontal career development type, on the other hand, includes less responsibilities, as it is based on preserving a single position. The advantage of this type is it provides a more comfortable career path, where professionals will dispense from the pressure at work. According to the latest statistics in Russia, the horizontal career development type is the most chosen and preferred aspect of female professionals. For more details, check this article The Benefits Of Horizontal Vs. Vertical Career Growth

5.Learn to Earn:

Have you ever wondered why certain professionals are applying for sabbatical leaves? In Russia, an additional qualification of advanced studies can be essential for career development. Certain fields such as teaching, legal professions, professions associated with scientific research require advanced education to grant a professional shift. Although it is still difficult for overqualified applicants to get an entry-level job, for a professional it is an advantage to employ an additional degree required in the professional shift.

6. Soft Skills:

A lot of professions require soft skills. Improving them can bring valuable career growth in your field. These skills are essential for teamwork, communication, planning, and problem-solving. You can develop them through attending periodic meetings, training or pursue an online course specialized in one of these skills. Here are Soft-skill building for Russia’s professional women

7. Internal Candidacy:

internal candidacy

 Professional candidacy is always open to new applicants. But, some of them are targeting professionals operating in the field. Internal candidacy enables employees to change their entitled positions within the same field. It can be through file application and interviewing, or through a test or a project. This method helps the company or the organization to reward its hard working participants towards upper positions. Learn The Truth About Interviews In The Next 60 Seconds.

These were the top 7 assumptions about career development in Russia. If you are considering promotions at work or more professional advantages, check the available career development types and choose what is suitable for you.


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