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How Long Does it Take to Hear Back From an Interview ?

 Many job seekers get the same response after every job interview: “We will call you very soon or as soon as possible.” But how long can this “as soon as possible” take? Hearing back from employers can be very stressful, especially when it takes days. In this article, we will give you how long you should wait and when to give up waiting and start looking for a new job. You can also read;

What to Bring to a Job Interview?

How Long to Wait After an Interview?

The period of waiting depends on the job industry. For example, if you have applied for a job that belongs to the public sector, the response of being accepted or rejected will take from 2 weeks to two months, depending on the field. The medical field responds to applicants very quickly because nursing and healthcare jobs are in massive demand, and urgent cases can’t wait. Teaching jobs require qualifications and tests. It might take two months to hire a lecturer at a university and two weeks to hire a teacher at a primary school. As you can see, the period of expecting approval or rejecting differs from one professional field to another.

Waiting for Job Offer Can Lead to Anxiety 

It is very stressful when you check your phone or log to your email, and you find no answer. Remember that employers have met thousands of applicants. You don’t know what kind of impression you had on them. Have you been stuck on their minds, or were you just interviewed and forgotten? 

Rescheduled Appointments

scheduled appointments

You may have wondered why it takes a long time to call back after job interviews? The answer is, private companies are very picky when it comes to choosing final candidates. There is not only you who want this job. You’ll be surprised by the reason why it takes that much time. 

However, keep in mind that things can be delayed, as long as some notify recruitment officers to inform them that they are unable to attend their job interview on time. As they might get a response to reschedule a job interview, it can be explained why you didn’t get a callback. This reason can stand between you and this career as there is a reasonable amount of time ahead to meet your employer again.

Here is also why it takes so long to reply to you :

1. There is a Huge Number of Candidates :

If you have a specific number for your rank at a job interview, this means that this process will take days and days to decide about selecting the final candidates. In simple terms, you are not contacted back because the company is still interviewing other groups of applicants.

2. There is a Holiday:

If your job interview coincides with a holiday. You should realize that these events can cause a delay in calling you back. It can be due to this holiday that many employees will leave the company for a few days to visit their relatives.

3. There is a Pandemic Virus:

waiting for a response

With the spread of CoronaVirus in neighboring countries, the process of employment or moving from one place to another can be dangerous these days. Many employers, as well as employees, are worried about this disease and the new policy of staying at home. So if you are not called back during this period, it is obviously because of the quarantine. You can read more about this phenomenal issue from here.

Coronavirus, Social Distancing, and Self Quarantine

4. Emergency Situations.

Unfortunately for you, it may be a short time after the interview to hear about the news that the job is canceled or the company is facing an economic crisis and doesn’t need new human resources. These unexpected events can cause too much stress, as you were expecting a positive response. You can also read

Follow 9 Tips for a Successful Interview

Just remember: Don’t over-elaborate or over-dramatize what happened with you. You can try many other tips to get this job or search for another job. Accidents can happen. If your hiring managers say they will call you and days pass without any change, here is what to do.

 1. A Follow-up Email

Yes, a follow up comes after a job application or a job interview to remind employers that you have encountered each other. It’s good to refresh their memory through this method. But, don’t be very persistent and don’t annoy them with massive emails. Here is how to write a professional follow up email:


Subject Line: Applying as (write the job position) – (your name) 

Dear Mr./Ms. The employer’s name

Thanks for inviting me to (job title) interview. It was a pleasure to meet you at (company’s name). It has been ( period passed after the interview like two weeks) since I got this interview with you. It has also been a reasonable period since I submitted my application for (write the job position). As I am very interested in working at (write the company’s name), I want to resend my resume and see if my candidacy would be an excellent match for this job offer.

I am also available for any test or any second interview. Here is my contact number ( write your phone number. I am also available at ( write your email)

I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you for your consideration.

Best regards,

Your name 


2. Resort to Your Professional Network:

professional network

If you have to build an excellent professional network. You can contact them and ask them to see any process after your job interview. This is not nepotism. You are not going to ask them to make your employer hire you. They will know if you are in their “yes” list or not. So that you don’t waste your time in further expectations

3. Get Another Job

Haven’t you heard back from an interview for three weeks? Accepting or obtaining another job is a compelling reason for not expecting a phone call after your previous interview. By doing so, you will save your time. Once you get another job offer. You can write a job acceptance letter to your new employer and start your career path. You can also explain your dispense with the previous application to avoid any negative feelings affecting your prospects in that company in the future.

This article encompasses a stage that many applicants went through. Since time is precious, we recommend you to apply for another job meanwhile or during your expectation of a phone call. Be patient and follow all the suggested tips and all the best.


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