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How To Answer Interview Questions-What Motivates You?

When you are going to have a job interview for the job you want. You have planned all your answers and you go confident.

But there comes a question to which you were not prepared. What motivates you? Go through these tips that will help you to answer correctly.

1-Think About Why They Ask You This Question

During a job interview, each question is asked for a specific reason, whether to test your skills, your knowledge or even your experience.

If you are asked what motivates you, it is to know what kind of person you are and what your values are, in order to know if you will be able to combine well into the team.

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2-Think About Your Own Interests

It is important, to be honest during a job interview, but on the other hand, you cannot say that your only motivation is money.

Instead, think of periods when you worked as a team to finalize a project. You can talk about how doing a team mission motivates you or the positive results that came from completing a project.

3-Use An Example

During a job interview, it is always better to have an example to support what you say, whether it is about your career or not.

4-Shape Your Answer According To The Position

For example, if you are applying for a job where goals need to be reached, then highlight the fact that you love breaking records and give an example of when you achieved your goals and how you felt afterward.

what is your motivation for applying for this job

5-Remember What Recruiters Are Looking For

Recruiters are not looking for a robot. They are looking for a human being with real aspirations, who want to grow and learn. So make sure you get the message out during your job interview.

Motivation To Apply For This Role

What are your motivations for joining our company? Recruiters expect a precise and professional response. The purpose of this question is to verify your good understanding of the position, its environment, its missions, and the work methods requested.

This is why it is very often asked during a job interview. Here are five examples of motivations that you can express in an interview:

1. Carry Out The Missions Entrusted

You can express the fact that you are motivated by the different missions assigned to the position because you enjoyed working on it. You can also have the skills to perform these tasks, but you have not got to implement them during your previous work experience.

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2. Learn New Skills

The desire to learn can be a reason why you want to get this job.

3. Do This Job

Address the daily missions but also more generally, the challenges of the position that interest you. The intellectual challenges of the position, its different aspects such as the fact that it is linked to the search for innovation, and that you particularly like this.

4. Be Part Of A Company With Which You Identify

For example, if the company is focused on sustainable development, indicate that these values are important to you and at the same time, you will feel good about this company.

You can also highlight the fact that the company is always looking for innovation and it is something that motivates you.   

5. Working In This Sector Of Activity

Does the company's activity sector attract you and you want to work in it? Share this motivation with your contact and list the different points that you appreciate in this sector and why you would be perfect to work in this field. For example, talk about the fact that you appreciate the challenges of innovation in the technology sector.

what motivates you answer

What Motivates You To Succeed In Life?

If the recruiter asks you what motivates you to succeed in life or what motivates you to become a leader? Then you have to give some professionals responses that include:

  • Learning new things
  • Meeting targets, deadlines or goals
  • Coaching and mentoring others
  • Working best as a team.
  • Coming up with innovative ideas, to modify something or to make some new things
  • Leading a team to success.
  • Spotting errors and flaws
  • Find out possible ways to resolve the issues.

What Demotivates You?

When the recruiters ask you, what demotivates you? It means they indirectly ask you like the thing that hesitates you related to the current post.

You have to give a proper response to what demotivates you instead of any inappropriate replies.

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1-Stay Positive

When you are replying to the dislikes of jobs, you should remain positive. Even if you are worried about any of the questions to some extent, then you can turn your negativities into positivity.

2-Keep Responses Short

You should give short responses. By doing this, you will prevent yourself from volunteering other additional questions by recruiters.

3-Never Badmouth Anyone

If you give a bad response or may make badmouth to anyone, then it may deprive you of this post. Do not speak any bad words for any of your recent employers or boss. Otherwise, it will not beneficial for you

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