How To Grow Your Career In Tanzania Tips And Tricks

Getting a job and keeping it has become a very hard task nowadays, whether it is in Tanzania or some other country of the world due to Covid-19. The world's economy almost collapsed after Covid-19 hit the world. 114 million people worldwide lost jobs due to the Covid-19 pandemic. People were bound to stay at home due to lockdown and quarantine. After several months of lockdown, people started working from home.

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 Getting a job in such a difficult situation and keeping it has become a hard task for job holders and job seekers. Employers are cutting down labour or closing their businesses because of the financial crisis the world's economy is going through. In the current crucial time where resources are limited and there is no time to give to ourselves, there are a lot of people out there who are completely devoted to their jobs and giving more than required and are still facing difficulties with their careers.


 This has made people feel overloaded with work and they are unable to develop their skills and personalities other than required at the job. In this crucial time, people should learn how to keep a job and grow their career to stay afloat in this difficult period where market trends, organizational culture and the business environment changes every second. We have assembled a few tips and tricks for people willing to grow their careers and for a successful excel in life.

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Goal Accomplishments

Set goals and set a time frame to accomplish them. It helps a person to motivate himself to do better and be better. Determine a milestone in your mind and accomplish it with the best you have inside you. Never pause after accomplishment, move to the next goal and plan ahead of everything. Keep track of your achievements, and compare and measure the results now and then. Determination drives motivation in a person. Your determination starts with the will, getting out of bed early, being on time, and meeting deadlines successfully helps a person to achieve bigger things in life.

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Awareness and Understanding of Organization

goal accomplishment

Awareness about the organization and understanding the organizational culture and structure is the basic thing that helps a person in his career growth. A person must know who he is working for, and how the organization is operating. Being well aware of the organization lets a person decide where it will be in future. It should be in the knowledge of the candidate, who are the important people of the hierarchical structure. Staying in touch with colleagues keeps you aware of the ongoing things in the organization. Understand the situation and be aware of your competition. Attend meetings, involve in office extracurricular activities, and share small talks over lunch with your colleagues. It pays in the long run.

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Don't waste time on things

Time management is an important thing for growth in a career. Be resourceful and don't waste time on things which are not important. Take your time as precious treasure and cash every minute of it. Stay focused on the right things. Cut time off your office schedules and work on your projects. Find time to take courses or training classes. It adds up to your resume and increases your exposure to the work environment. Enrol in executive professional degrees on weekends. Learn, learn and learn. Never stop yourself from learning things.

Don't limit yourself to your job description

Working outside of your comfort zone and doing things out of your job description helps a person to grow faster in his career. If there is no work available on your desk, look for tasks outside your table. Limiting yourself to your job description will only harm you in many ways. Look for hourly wages projects in your office or outside your office. It will allow you to practice and exercise your skills on things outside of your resume. In return, you'll learn things and it will add up a plus point to your resume. Attend social events and expand your public relations. Create ties with other companies and enhance your profile to reflect your abilities.


Welcome New Challenges


Challenging yourself in doing things, helps to improve your mental health and resume. Be an example of an achiever in your surroundings. Take an initiative and never say no to a task given by the top management. Challenge yourself every day by accepting tasks and completing them within the deadline. Never be afraid of failure, a failure always gives you experience and exposure. Doesn't matter if you can't complete a task and fail. At least you learned where and what went wrong. A person can decide a step ahead by facing failure. Accepting new challenges enhances your skills and a person can evaluate himself.


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