How to increase productivity at workplace? Try 15 ideas

posted:4 years agobyEman Zahrain Career Development
With just so many hours in a day and strict deadlines to meet, making the most of the time spent in the office is crucial. Today we bring 15 ideas in which you will know how to increase productivity.
1. Rest well and get up early
Getting a good rest is key to improving productivity. It is advisable to sleep from 7 to 8 hours and do it at night. In this way, you will take advantage of the best performance hours of your brain.
Normally, these hours are during the morning, so maximize your performance by resting well and taking advantage of the first hours of the morning.
2. Plan your day
How to stay productivity-the best way is to plan each day. This task will make you lose a few minutes during the day or during the week, but it will help you see your day, your tasks, or your week globally.
Above all, it will help you know where to continue each time you finish a task. In addition, planning your day will also help you prioritize, essential to improve productivity at work.
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3. Keep distractions to a minimum
Distractions are the biggest enemy of labor productivity. In order to combat them, it is necessary to identify them.
These distractions can be caused by different communication tools (for example the mobile phone), distractions caused by other people (for example coworkers) and internal distractions (those distractions related to your thoughts and personal life).
To avoid them, you must identify and solve them. You can turn off your mobile while doing a task, solve personal problems in your spare time so that they do not interfere with your work tasks.
4. Work in blocks with breaks
Improving productivity is not about working anymore, it is about working better. To work you have to immerse yourself in a task avoiding distractions.
But, doing this throughout the working day. It’s not possible. We all need breaks and a disconnect. Therefore, it is advisable to organize tasks in blocks and rest between blocks.
Because breaks are beneficial for the performance, necessary to reactivate the brain, and fundamental to face new tasks with energy.
5. Order your workplace
It is impossible to be productive in a chaotic environment. Both the physical and the computer should be well computer to facilitate the performance of all your tasks.
6. Dedicate yourself to one thing at a time
Have you ever heard that multitasking is not a power, it is a weakness? Obviously. To increase productivity and obtain the best results it is necessary to focus on a single task.
In addition, dedicating yourself to one thing at a time is capable of improving the ability to change from one task to another in a more productive way.
7. Automate everything you can
To improve productivity it is necessary to save time on the most recurring tasks. How to do it? Today, thanks to new technologies that can automate almost any task that is done regularly.
Find Apps and tools to automate everything you can and save time for the most significant tasks.
8. Establish a system to check the mail
Email review is a necessary task and cannot be deleted. All we have to do is establishing a system to check it, put certain times and times during the day to read the emails. A good system can be the following.
- Check the mail in the morning, before starting any task.
- Check the mail halfway tomorrow.
- Check the email before the end of the workday to organize the next workday.
9. Learn to say no
Learning to say no and being true to your planning is essential. Not wasting time on insignificant tasks that do not bring benefits to your business is very important to improve labor productivity.
To get it you will have to say “NO” More often. It sounds logical, but we don't always keep it.
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10. Meditate
Meditation linked to productivity at work. Meditation is a practice that reduces stress, improving the quality of our life and our rest.
Meditation helps to maintain balance in your lives, and with that balance, you will be able to improve many aspects of your day to day life, including work.
11. Identify Your Peak Hours
Identify those moments and schedule the most important tasks for those hours. In many cases, productive moments are before biphasic sleep-after 12:00 am.
Now, with so much time in the morning and having to look for something to do to avoid sleep, this productivity shot up in the morning hours.
This can change for anyone at any time, but initially identifying your peak hours will allow you to score another couple of points to your productivity marker.
12. Pack Your Time
Give yourself strict and specific time periods for each task you are going to do, no matter how long it is. The really important thing is that you do not spend much more time than established, nor much less.
13. Define Mini Tasks
If you use strategies to increase productivity, such as time packing, a good idea is to define mini-tasks for each time package.
If you are going to work for a couple of hours, specify the amount of work you will do before getting out of the chair, and of course, that this work is equal to or less than the set time package.
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14. Use Activity Lots
It is quite useful to divide your day into lots of activities, for example, you could leave calls only for the morning, from 9:00 am to 10:00 am.
With this, you guarantee that there will be no distractions, and that is concentrated in a set of specific tasks, it will be easier for you to do them mechanically sometimes.
15. Madruga
Madruga is the time period between midnight and sunrise. Early morning gives you lots of advantages, including the fact that you have all morning from 5:00 am (or the time you decide) to work.
And when everyone gets up you will have had at least 3 or 4 hours of advantage to advance your tasks and activities.