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Job Search Strategies and Techniques in 2021

are you looking for getting a job in 2020 and want to boost your career in 2020? Fratres is providing you online job searching platforms, job searching facilities and instant job opportunities across the world in every field of study. New job search is not an easy task. The application process for jobs can be frustration and daunting.

Landing for a job in 2020 requires more than just educational degree and references. The competition in market is on its peak and skills require to get a job in 2020 is more than you even realize.  Winning each competition in job search journey required a modern job search strategy. Fratres have covered you with search guide that will help you to get an idea and real picture of market and job providing employers.

Fratres vision is to have a meaningful impact on all the job seekers and job providers including you. Our job search engine provides you expert advices and latest jobs across the world so that you can have each and everything in a single place.

Now let’s dive into something positive professional to help you to rise above.

Skills and experience

Gone are the days when resume accounted for the bulk of landing a new job. Many factors determined which candidates get select. Resumes are essential, and you need to have a strong resume for effective impact. Recruiters are research savvy, and they know how to evaluate your entire professional brand. They don’t stop at your resume. They are viewing your social media profiles and activity.

Throughout your way to get a job as a candidate, you must control your narrative, the overarching stories that your online persona profiles illustrate. Don’t let your online reputation take on a life of its own. A recruiter’s first impression of you is no longer only made in interview room, it also made online.

The first step when creating or updating cv’s and resume and social media profiles is to analyze your skills and past experience. Begin by analyzing the required preferred skilled and experience your target job. As you craft your professional brand, paint a holistic picture using your entire digital persona. Demonstrate why you are the best fit for your ideal job. Skills to articulate and demonstrate are:

Hard skills: These are technical competencies that you need to complete tasks efficiently and successfully. They often are a minimum job requirement and vary by occupation. Examples include proficiency in programming languages, using test automation tools and working with graphic design programs.

Soft skills: You need this set of skills to successfully execute the technical skills of your job. Examples include time management, written communication, project management and presentation skills.

Professional values

Professional values are “business-related beliefs or principles that guide professional behavior. Values may reflect ethics, practices, standards and other norms within a commercial environment,” according to Business Dictionary. These beliefs enable you to make judgment calls at work to ensure the best interest of the department and the employer are promoted.

Examples include accountability, integrity, teamwork, transparency, commitment to your profession and continued learning. Infusing your professional values into your digital persona requires focus and effort.

How to present your personal brand online

To show potential employers that you possess the skills and the professional values they desire in a new employee, it’s worth your time to focus on a few key areas.  

Continued learning: Showing your commitment to continuous learning will attract potential employers. Manifest this trait by engaging with content on social media. Let’s say a peer posts about a new technology poised to disrupt your industry. Join the conversation by posting a thoughtful comment, asking a question or sharing related content with your network. Demonstrate your knowledge of trends that impact your profession, industry, employer or customers.

Professional achievements: Highlight your achievements to showcase your strong work ethic and why you are an asset in the workplace. Awards like Employee of the Quarter or Rookie of the Year can give a hiring manager insight into the impact you can have at any organization. It’s also an effective way to bolster your profile and resume.

Teamwork: No matter your role or career level, nothing is possible without teamwork. Demonstrate to potential employers that you have strong collaboration skills by showcasing team projects on your resume and LinkedIn profile.

Commitment: Passion for your work can be the one trait that sets you apart from the competition. Hiring managers hire team members who are committed and devoted! Think about your coworkers. Isn’t it more enjoyable to work with people who bring enthusiasm to the office? In today’s digital world, it is easy for recruiters to spot passion for one’s work. Make it a point to share content and participate in discussions about trends and issues impacting your field. Provide value to others within your industry and to those entering it. Be an advocate for your profession.

Now that we have discussed what crafting a positive professional brand entails, let’s talk about why you should care.

3 reasons you should care about your personal brand

  1. It's not all about your resume

Recruiters don’t hire resumes; they hire human beings. Think beyond the resume and view your professional brand as a singular, unique entity. Recruiters are assessing your fit for their company culture, your potential to advance the company’s purpose and how well-rounded you are—not just on the job, but also outside of work. They’re looking for qualities, experience and skills that cannot be conveyed on a resume alone.

2. Employers often hire for potential 

The majority of employers will hire and train people who may not have all the skills they need, but have potential, according to CareerBuilder. Fifty-nine percent of all employers surveyed plan to train low-skill workers who don’t have experience in their field and hire them for higher-skill jobs.

Use social media to demonstrate what your resume can’t. Resumes are static and limiting. You can’t represent your potential on a resume. They don’t live and breathe as your professional brand does.

Use social media to network with other professionals in your field. Commit to developing long-term relationships with potential mentors, partners or employers. This can help you develop your skill set, stay current on the latest trends and stand out from other applicants.

Most industries change rapidly, and to remain competitive and grow professionally, it’s important to focus on self-study and continuously push yourself to learn new things.

Pro Tip: A simple, accessible way to continuously learn and stay current in your industry is through your Twitter account. Use this diverse social media platform as a listening tool to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and topics that everyone’s talking about.

Separate your following into Twitter lists categorized by topics based on your industry and professional interests. Refer to these lists daily to skim through chats and articles you might have missed. Also, don’t forget to engage with tweets that interest you!

This social listening tool will ensure you’re not missing important conversations.



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