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  • Learn From These Mistakes Before You Enter Job Interviews.

Learn From These Mistakes Before You Enter Job Interviews.

When it comes to getting a job, a CV and cover letter aren't the final step in recruitment. Austrian employers are very selective. They insist on meeting potential candidates to arrange employment with them. A job interview is the essential step in landing the desired position. Preparing for the Day is not only about focusing on the perfect and top impressive answers. It is rather on giving the best impression that facilitates your recruitment. As mistakes are prone to happen in the majority of these meetings, let’s learn about the intolerable mistakes that Austrian recruiters cannot tolerate.

1. Austrian job interview Preparations:*

job interview preparation in Austria

Getting invited to a job interview is a serious meeting. As a candidate, you should prepare for this event from various angles. When invited to a job interview in Austria, certain behaviors should be avoided. It doesn't matter how good your CV is, or how well illustrated your cover letter. This meeting will contribute to the final hiring decision. That’s why Fratres will give you the necessary tips to prepare for this essential meeting, according to the standards of your target workplace. If you are planning to move to Austria soon, you need to sign up to Fratres and get the necessary information about employment there.  Here are the main preparation tips!

-Prepare what you need to wear for the occasion.

-Prepare the necessary devices, if you are going to conduct a remote interview.

-Prepare the answers of common interview questions.

-Prepare the questions that you are going to ask at the end of the job interview.

After checking the to-do-list for job interview preparations, take a look at the dangerous mistakes to avoid:

Job Interview Mistakes:

Here is a selection of common mistakes that can ruin your recruitment process. Try to avoid them as much as you can. Here are The Five Secrets That You Shouldn't Know About Getting Started

 1. Arriving Late

It’s very hard to let go of a bad first impression. You should know that an interview begins as soon as you enter the company: a late candidate will automatically be categorized as non eligible by the recruiter. Arriving late without any convincing reason will affect the evaluation of your performance, as Austrians value punctuality. Here is the Business etiquette

2. Using Your Mobile Phone

Job interview mistakes in Austria

Your phone must be turned off or in silent mode (no vibration) during an interview. Answering a call or an SMS is not at all the right attitude or behavior in a job interview. It shows a real lack of interest in the offered job and less respect for the person receiving you.

 3. Avoiding Eye Contact:

Keeping a shifty gaze is one of the main attitudes to avoid during a job interview. Avoiding visual contact can convey to the recruiter the message of lacking self-confidence. This behavior shows that you are easily intimidated and you cannot tackle tasks involving communicative and problem-solving skills. Also, beware of the exaggerated eye contact that makes the other person uncomfortable or that indicates an excess of self-confidence. Try to make the balance.

4. Showing Stress

Playing with your fingernails or hands, biting your lip, compulsively tapping the ground with your foot, playing with a pen, touching your hair, constantly changing position are all gestures that betray your state of stress from the recruiter. Control your attitude during an interview so as not to distract your interviewer's attention from the most important thing: your words. Make arrangements like tying your hair up, sitting down with both legs on the floor, or leaving any accessories in your bag. Take a look at; Destressing Exercises Before an Interview

5. Neglecting the Body Language

Adopting a bad posture is a mistake in a job interview. The way you sit and answer the questions tells a lot about your personality. Austrian recruiters are looking for serious and dynamic applicants. If you come to the job interview with lifeless facial expressions, bad posture and bad attitude, you cannot offer a positive impression in the meeting. A smile is essential during an interview, as it allows you to break the ice instantly. Looking bleak or overly expressionless may disqualify you in the eyes of the recruiter or make them feel like you are not interested in the job. The same goes for crossing your arms, a gesture that does not invite dialogue.

6. Not Choosing the Appropriate Dress

Meeting recruiters requires a professional look. A job interview is an official meeting in which you need to dress to impress. As a candidate, you need to wear an official outfit. Do not go for casual clothes or teenage-like clothes, after all your dress is part of the company’s professional image. You need to offer an elegant impression, especially if you are applying for front-office jobs, or financial positions. Here is the  Business Dress Code in Austria

7. Showing Less Appreciation for the Job

Self-confidence is good. But, underestimating the team or the workplace you had applied for is a big mistake. If you feel overqualified for the job or you behave like you are too perfect for the job, you risk ruining the chances of being hired. You should not take credit for every achievement in your previous positions, and convey a message of being too big for the company. This is not appreciated in the Austrian work culture, as every member in the team is treated equally with no exception. Recruiters judge candidates in terms of performance and not qualifications.

8. Talking too Much

talking too much in a job interview

Recruiters appreciate candidates who are responsive and know how to argue their answers. But, they rarely like candidates to occupy the conversation in a non justified way. For example, talking about your parents desire to achieve a professional goal and people’s suggestions and comments on Facebook and so much useless information. Just answer the questions without making unnecessary focus on your personal life.

9. Looking Robotic

Not listening to your interlocutor is a mistake during a job interview. Answer precisely the questions asked and adapt your answers. Do not recite what you have prepared without taking time to think. If any question seems unclear to you, do not hesitate to ask the recruiter to repeat or explain what they said.

10. Talking Badly about Former Employers

Do not under any circumstances denigrate your previous employers in front of a recruiter. The latter may think that you will do the same with his business if things do not go well. This attitude will create trouble in your future career, as you will have the impression of creating personal trouble with others, playing the victim and looking less responsible to keep the confidentiality of previous professional ties. You should rather justify your career change by the desire to evolve, to face other challenges, get more experiences etc...

These were the top 10 mistakes you should learn from, in order to better pass your job interview. By following these tips and preparing well for the meeting, you will increase the chances of being hired.


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