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Looking for Careers in History? Check this Guide

Are you a history lover but you feel hesitant about making this major as part of your future? Studying history might not be recommended to you. That’s why you feel discouraged and doubtful about this academic choice. Before building decisions on random assumptions, take a look at Fratres to know how to turn your favorite subject as a future career.

What Can I Do with a My History Degree:


In many societies, many people believe that a bachelor’s degree in history only works for teaching. But, what if we tell you that career options for history graduates are more than that? There are very few generations interested in history, and it is rare to find someone entering a college to study history. Despite this, the competition for employment is fierce. Many people are interested in history and try to get employment in this broad field. So, if you want to study history, you need to choose the right university where people don’t underestimate this degree. As many people think that history takes nowhere other than a career in teaching, today’s article will clear up the myths about careers in history, by showing you what studies can you take, what kind of jobs can you embrace?

Studying history involves many disciplines:

  • Studying national and international history: these studies concern your country and other foreign ones.
  • Studying civilizations includes religious studies, languages, and other historical events that brought a specific culture or civilization into the national heritage.
  • Studying dead languages such as Latin, Greek : languages are part of historical documentation. Some languages are archaic and require translators to document a specific era.
  • Discovering ancient cultures: this section is to unveil the roots of certain civilizations and to study how they have developed from a primitive society to a modern one.

Entry-level jobs for History Majors:

If you have decided to study the past, you need to enroll in certain colleges with a high school diploma, in which you have good grades in art subjects, history, languages, etc.. The requirements for studying History are various. You need to select many colleges and apply for studying there, including an application for a scholarship, and wait till you get admission. Take a look at Top tips for studying history at university

 Careers in History:

Entry-level jobs for history graduates are multiple and various. Here is a list of the possible professional options:


A career line in teaching is one of the most prominent options for history graduates. Since this subject is taught in schools and colleges, teaching positions depend on your qualification and experience. The more you pursue advanced studies, the more you get higher teaching positions such as a professor, lecturer, associate professor etc...here are the crucial sections in a teacher’s resume


Being a historian is a job and not a mere designation. Historians are experts in history, who document many past civilizations and who can assess and interpret many historical events. Historians can work in colleges, organizations targeting to preserve monuments and even in associations, and research bibliotheques.

3. Technology:


If you think that technology does not coincide with history, you are wrong. In recent years, technology has been implemented in studying history and research to assess and bring into existence ancient material. A technician in history can make a 3D design of old monuments, people, and territories to portray the past by using the necessary materials for that.

4. Media:

History is a rich field that has a more considerable concern in media and journalism. There are many channels, radio sessions, and programs specified in history, introducing many job offers for history graduates. Candidates can apply as content creatures for historical materials and applications.

5.Festival Manager:

Cultural diversity and historical backgrounds are worth celebrating. Many organizations revive certain historical events by celebrating festivals, trying to promote traditional clothes and ethnic accessories. Therefore, jobs are available for history graduates to manage festivals and maintain cultural traditions.

6. Archeologists:

Historical monuments are markers of many civilizations. History graduates can apply as archeologists to study and assess historical items.

7. Travel and Tourism:

A historical heritage brings tourists and many adventurous lovers to learn about very distant cultures and click pictures for souvenirs. A graduate in history can work as a tour guide to introduce people to the various homeland monuments and museums. Take a look at the jobs in which you have to travel

8. Museum Management:

Taking care of historical leftovers is an essential duty to preserve the historical value of your country. Jobs in museums are open for graduates in history to provide information about each historical item. For similar positions, you need to Understand The Whole Concept of Career Management Skills

9. Archivists:


Archiving documents in libraries and other departments is an essential position to organize relevant documents and maps. Archivists operate in many fields such as colleges and institutes, embassies and agencies, ministries, and every bureautic domain.


History graduates can interpret and assess many ancient sources. They can apply for translation and interpretation jobs, which are targeting historical materials.

These were ten possible careers with a degree in history, including teaching. To sum up, the whole, choosing account as a vocational career does not culminate in limited job offers. Many countries value their historical heritage and allocate money to preserve and acknowledge their cultural backgrounds. Therefore, as a history graduate, you choose to either pursue further studies or apply for a job you have read in this article.   


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