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Newcomer at Workplace? Advice to Follow for Perfect Adjustment

The first day at a job is always tricky. You encounter new faces and get to know many people at the same time. Newcomers at the Workplace often have to deal with many things such as culture, colleagues, and policies. It's like you have too much to eat but don't swallow it at the same time. Here are some things you need to do for perfect adjustment at the Workplace. 

Introduce Yourself

As you will meet many people, the first thing you need to spend some time on is your introduction. You need to use a few but good lines to tell them who you are. The introduction should be short and on-point. It's okay to choose different introduction lines for your teammates and boss. Play it cool, and don't sweat. They are only human beings, no need to get confused. Keep your self-confidence intact.

Listen More, Speak Less

When we are confused or new to someplace, we used to talk a lot. You shouldn't do that. Give other people a chance to speak. Listen and try to get an idea about colleagues' personalities. Some will be friendly while others are rude. Spend the first month getting to know everyone around. It doesn't mean gossiping and chatting with them. It means listening to their stories, observing strong bonds between colleagues, and giving them a chance to open up more about themselves. You need to talk less; please don't turn on silent mode. 

listen more speak less how to be a good new comer at work

Become familiar with Workplace

It means you need to pay attention to workplace policies. Read the employee handbook to know what's allowed and what may cause trouble. Take a tour of your company, so you get an idea of where the main office and other departments are located. You must know where the HR room is and what the restroom is. Staying put on your chair won't be helpful. Explore your office, so you know how to navigate. 

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Plan a Meeting with Manager

As you are a newbie at the Workplace, you need to pass a probationary period to get hired permanently. Employers give you this job so you can perform well and earn a permanent position. 

Follow 17 Ways to Pass Probationary Period Successfully

You should set a personal meeting with your manager and ask him questions about your job expectations. Ask a few questions relevant to your job, like how you can perform well and what's expected from this role, etc. Once you know what the expectation of the role is, you have to set some goals to fulfill them.

Don't Hesitate to Ask

Does something seem quite strange at the new Workplace? Don't stress too much; ask questions to get a clear idea of what it is. Maybe your company has a social media policy or CCTV in the office, etc. As you don't have any such thing in your previous office, it's okay to raise a brow and ask what's that. Your colleague doesn't mind giving you a detailed answer backed by a good story.

Take Initiative 

Your manager needs a presentation very quickly and if you have free time then show your helping hand to him. It's a good gesture. In the first month of your new job, you must show dedication to your work while setting a good image side by side. Offering your help or taking some initiatives will help you achieve this goal.

Check Employee Rights and Responsibilties 

Stay Organized

The first few months are probationary periods; you can't afford to arrive late at work. Therefore, you should make a to-do list to stay organized. Update your calendar and set some reminders to be a new promising comer. Employers won't tolerate your lazy attitude toward work, be careful.

Set Some Boundaries

It's okay to be helpful and accept some task unrelated to the job, but it doesn't mean saying yes to every colleague. You must learn to say NO. Set some boundaries. When work is inapplicable, and you don't have time, it's better to skip it than delay your main work.

advice for new comer at workplace

 Naturally, people arrive early and work overtime to set a good impression. However, once the first month passes, try to give yourself a break. If you keep working overtime only to impress your manager, burnout and stress will be the ultimate results. It's not what you should opt for.

Wrap up

The best advice for a newbie is to stay active, responsible, and accountable. As you aren't familiar with the Workplace, you will make some mistakes. But try not to sleep with these mistakes and errors. Every day is a fresh start, so try to learn from mistakes and don't repeat them. Don't stress too much about your Workplace and work. If you take it easy, then you can complete it on time. Don't invade the privacy of your team members or colleagues only to know them, instead try to make a professional relationship through networking.

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