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  • Ten Secrets That Experts Of Apprenticeships Don't Want You To Know.

Ten Secrets That Experts Of Apprenticeships Don't Want You To Know.

The job market is not only confined to graduates or degree holders. Thousands of professional opportunities are meant for people who master the skills that shape the workforce.  To make part of the professional mosaic in Romania, it is essential to learn about the best apprenticeship tips that help you turn your craft into a life investment.

Apprenticeship in Romania:

apprenticeship in Romania

Despite the current changes that blocked the productive chain of the country, Romania is following the measures taken by neighboring European countries, to develop vocational education and training (VET). This plan is to implement the various apprenticeship programs in the public education system for young students. Romania has also adopted the continuing vocational training (CVT) that also exists in neighboring European countries. There are many benefits related to apprenticeship in Romania. If you are interested in learning these secrets, sign up to Fratres. You can also reach out to the available opportunities around the world through Fratres.

 1.Developing Workforce Strategies: 

What is the major benefit of an Apprenticeship in Romania? Instead of importing foreign workers, Romanian apprenticeship programs are encouraging the locals and immigrants residing in the country to operate in leading industries. Providing workforce strategies is one of the main reasons for customizing apprenticeship opportunities to potential workers. Apprentices operating in the public sector can benefit from social security benefits, health insurance, and a pension.

2.Providing New Dynamics at Work: 

Romanian apprenticeship is oriented towards the diversity of professional specialties. It also provides advanced training programs that link between initial training and continuing training. The changing role of vocational education and training in Romania is devoted to productivity with low costs. This perspective has increased the number of foreign industries in Romania, including providers and participants. This also explains the moderate unemployment rate as this 

3. Accessibility to EU job market: 

It's known that Romanian vocational training can help the transition towards opportunities in neighboring countries. After hosting some foreign productive industries in the country, the Romanian workforce can shift to the home productive company. If you have the necessary acquired experience in one of the foreign investments in Romania, you can relocate or get a contract to join the same position operating in the home land. Here are The 5 Reasons why Tourists Love the Work Life.

4. Making Good Use of Natural Resources:

Another secret of apprenticeship in Romania is orienting the vocational training towards benefitting from the natural resources. Romania is rich in energy projects such as gas supplies and electricity craps. Pursuing an apprenticeship in a specialty related to natural resources  empowers the local economy. It is also an essential step for quick employment.

5. Integrity with Academic Degrees

The Romanian job market has tremendously changed after the pandemic. The main focus becomes oriented towards agricultural development, energy, mechanics and technology. The multiplicity of bridges between vocational training and higher education created integrity with different organizations. Romanian apprenticeships are also involved with schools, colleges and universities to set the new roles and strategies for economic projects.

6. Adult Apprenticeship:

adult apprenticeship

Adding to integrating Romanian apprenticeship in the education system for young students, adults are not dispensed from vocational training. Adults aged between 20 and 50 years old can pursue an apprenticeship specialty of their choice and benefit from the  greater diversity of training programs. The current professional updates have increased the participation of adults in vocational training. Here is Romania: new six-month apprenticeship programmes

7. Affordable Fees

Apprenticeships in Romania have witnessed privatization. The increased number of private institutes and workshops provide the necessary equipment for apprentices to master the trade. Frees vary depending on the period of training and the chosen program. Some fields offer free access by just covering the costs of the used equipment.

8. Connection to Self-employment

Have you ever wanted to run your own project, but you don’t know how? Romanian apprenticeship offers a chain of study work program that explains the life cycle of a product. For people who are interested in self-employment, they have to study the necessary skills related to project-management and production. As a result, thousands of expats are choosing apprenticeship as a quick way to settle in Romania. Here are 15 Innovative Approaches To Improve Your Getting Started.

9. Providing in-demand Trades:

Despite the advanced technology and the continuous ways to reach modernity, Romania is still relying on manual trades to develop its economy. Apprenticeship is the best access to projects related to construction, agricultural growth, animal care, and industrialization. The regulation of these activities depends on the trades and the skills emanating from vocational training and education. Currently after the pandemic, Romania is looking for workforce in:


-Electricity and energy


- Carpentency



-  Productive industries

10.  Meeting the Needs of the Population:

learning in-demand skills

Apprenticeships contribute to the multiplicity of services and projects. Various programs are oriented towards the needs of the population such as catering projects, hotel services, accommodation, healthcare assistance, caregivers, nursery and child care etc…

Joining the service staff requires apprenticeship and reliable experience in the field. It is also mandatory to master the language skills in Romania as these careers are devoted to public services. The salaries of apprentices depend on the sector ( public/ private) and the type of the arranged contract. 

These were the top 10 secrets that experts have revealed about apprenticeship. If you are looking for the quickest ways to enter the job market with less demanding criterias, choose the appropriate apprenticeship program that goes well with your passions and interests.


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