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  • The Worst Advices We've Heard For Graduates.

The Worst Advices We've Heard For Graduates.

New graduates are usually excited to enter the work life. They start to gather the necessary information and follow all the tips that help them plan their future. But, are all professional tips worth it? Today, within the era of digital transformation, quick technology, and advanced life, some professions are no longer in-demand. To save the new generation from following limited specialties, here is an article on the worst advice to avoid for new graduates.

Graduates and Luxembourgish Job Market:

graduates and luxembouyrgish job market

Being an entry-level applicant in one of the European countries means facing challenges to meet the professional requirement. Although Luxembourg is not a country with limited options, it is very demanding to join the public sector. Applicants go through a training called internship that will culminate in recruitment. Some professions will have extended internships such as the medical field, engineering, and teaching. Others demand consistency, experience, creativity and flexibility. Since each professional field has a set of requirements, it is essential to know the best tips to choose the right career and know how to enter the job market. In this respect, Fratres offers the best professional tips that will help you rise in your career path. Adding to its valuable career advice, Fratres is a job portal that brings benefits for both employers and employees. Here are the worst advices to avoid:

1.A Non-professional CV:

 The first guilt done by a large number of young graduates would be the lack of simplicity in arranging their CV. Nothing is more effective than simplicity in the layout. However, many candidates, especially young graduates, tend to choose wrong CV tips, thinking that it will allow them to stand out and attract attention. It is a mistake. A recruiter only has a maximum of 1 minute to judge the relevance of an application. It takes several seconds to read a font that is too original or sections that are not readable enough. In addition, big companies and institutions filter out applications through ATS software. Simplicity is essential for your first job, even if you  are aiming for a position requiring artistic skills (graphic design, advertising, communication, etc.).

2. Random Applications:

The more you submit your CV to any job offer the quicker you get hired! Over-application is not a guarantee for reaching out for the right career choice. Applications that betray a lack of work upstream are not serious candidacy. Insisting on a specific job might be viewed wrong. Applicants submitting random applications are showing lack of knowledge of the field. For example, by using the wrong way to address recruiters or giving the impression of not reading the job offer, they can easily get rejected. Take a look at; Most Effective Ways To Overcome Graduates' Problem.

3. Customize your Application According to the Standards:

customize your application to the standards

Your application should be relevant to a single job. There is no CV or a cover letter working for every application. Social networks now make it possible to avoid sending an application with a strange header such as starting your cover letter with a "Madam, Sir", without specifying the workplace address. Sometimes new graduates do not realize that they are applying for a very specific position. If the title of the position to be filled is not included at the top of the CV, there are few chances to be selected for a job interview. Some jobs require information on civil status, as personal information can also help recruiters select you for the job. You may also read; Why Is Apprenticeship Considered Underrated ?

3. Too much  Information

A candidate must always ask himself this question when designing a CV and cover letter: 'what does the recruiter expect?' It is essential to make it easier to read by only including elements that can serve the reason for your application. If you've done a fruit picking job to finance your studies, there's no point in mentioning it, unless you're applying to a wine company. This tendency to unnecessarily weigh down a CV is a common mistake made by young people leaving 'studies. They try to compensate for their lack of professional experience by being too exhaustive and listing all their odd jobs. Take a look at; Types of contract and work arrangements

4. List or Style of Communication?

Targeting your candidacy is setting up a storytelling. The recruiter would like to see the path that explains why your application is relevant. As a new graduate, you have plenty of theoretical background rather than practical experience. That’s why, insisting on your academic background and training can give the impression about your hard working attitude in gathering important degrees. You can also write about an  au pair experience abroad if you are applying to a large international group. External experiences are better considered compared to a summer job as a waiter or as a retail agent…

5. Heading to a Job Interview with Zero Preparation:

As it is common to send an application for several positions at the same time, it is better to be as serious as possible. When an entry-level candidate is invited to a job interview, he/she must have the minimum information about the field, the position in question, and the corporate culture of the workplace. Coming with a blank brain to this questionnaire will risk you losing the opportunity and looking less interested in the job. Here are 15 Tips To Avoid Failure In Interviews.

6. Less Commitment and Professionalism

The majority of recent graduates will undergo a probation period before the final recruitment. Although this testing period can tolerate mistakes, it also eliminates less professional candidates. It is sometimes small careless mistakes that send your application to the trash because they betray a lack of professionalism. A probation period always deserves maximum attention and of offering a better impression. How do you expect to get hired while you have punctuality issues, a less performing attitude and a limited respect to the rules?

7. Teamwork Challenges

teamwork chalenges

The majority of businesses are based on teamwork. As a new graduate, you have to develop a sense of community, collaboration, and union. You should not expect that you will automatically get hired in a leadership position, or a managerial one. You have a lot to prove to reach that level of responsibility. Among the collective tasks is setting strategies, discussing plans, and sharing knowledge. Teamwork also has its merits to help you build a network that you will need in your career path. Individual work might limit your references and professional acquaintances, which may affect your career development in the future.

These were the top 7 worst pieces of advice that put graduates in the elimination list. Increase your chances of pursuing a stable career by avoiding these dangerous tips.   


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