This Year Will Be The Year of Apprenticeships.

People who are specialized in manual trades are the backbone of many industries. In Portugal, it is a privilege to pass these trades to the younger generation. Since it’s summer time, many young people are rushing into internships and vocational training. Let’s take a look at the best apprenticeship ideas of this year.

Apprenticeships in Portugal:

apprenticeship in portugal

Choosing vocational training is better than quitting school with no skills in hand. Many apprentices are known for their manual trades that become in-demand after the pandemic. Adding to having this talent and the ability to sustain labor, apprenticeships in Portugal  are another way towards wealth, as their field of occupation is wider. There are many advantages related to apprenticeships in any European country. As a job seeker or a young ambitious person, you can consider apprenticeship as a way leading to future prospects. If you are interested in crafts, trades, manual labor, and productive fields, sign up to Fratres. Fratres is a job portal with various information about employment in your target country. Take a look at this article if you are living in Portugal or planning to settle there. Here is what makes apprenticeship a priority for this year.

1.Targetting the young Workforce:

In Portugal, there is a massive need for the younger population, including manual labor. Apprenticeship is the source of providing the workforce for the leading industries. The access to these fields is not very demanding compared to academic specialties. You can learn a manual trade easily thanks to professionalization, from high school!

2. Providing Economic Benefits?

Choosing a manual trade goes far beyond earning a living. When you learn the skills related to vital sources such as construction, electricity, maintenance, and manufacture. You can contribute to a better economy that leads to employment benefits. In Portugal, various fields are earning better that qualified employment such as:

  • Marine and sailor ship
  • Logistics and cargo shipping
  • Agriculture
  • Textile
  • Construction.

3. Reaching Opportunities:

The opportunities offered through vocational training are various and countless. Since Portugal is open to the European market, in the crafts sector, more than 50,000 positions are to be filled each year, with countless possibilities. Production involves trades related to personal services, food, eco-construction, etc. The Labor market for blue-collar jobs is growing, despite the economic crisis.

4. Exploring An Innovative Sector:

Although the manual sector seems dusty, dangerous, filled with tools and gadgets, it follows the path of innovation. Past professions are renewed and adapted to new technologies. That’s why apprenticeship is not relying on the classic ways of manufacturing. It is rather based on new studies in the industries to employ cost-effective tools, eco-friendly ways of production, and strategic methods of execution. Adding to these advantages, apprenticeships encourage being open to recent industries such as creating a productive chain for recent tools instead of importing them from neighboring countries. Take a look at; SHORTAGE OCCUPATIONS IN PORTUGAL

5. Contributing to the survival of traditional artisans and Crafts:

salaries in Portugal

Portugal is known for its fabrics. Apprenticeships encourage the use of manual trades that are linked to traditional crafts. Since Portugal is also open to various countries, apprenticeships serve the notion of identity and introduce the leading crafts there. Vocational training teaches apprentices the value of certain materials and how to protect them from imitation or extinction. It also includes marketing plans to introduce manual products to neighboring countries.

6. Having an Alternative Study/ Work option:

Unlike getting a degree, apprenticeships enable applicants to have a different specialization  that helps them accede in the professional world. In Portugal, the leading specializations are oriented towards the industrialization of fabrics, agricultural and veterinary assistance, construction, mechanics, technical maintenance and carpentry.

7. Follow Up after Vocational Training:

Unlike the average studies that hand graduates a degree and let them start a job search, apprenticeship in Portugal follows up its apprentices. Various specialties are governed by the in-company or industry training. Apprentices can directly get their first contract or get followed up after completing the two years of training in one of the productive sectors. Apprentices who have undergone vocational training related to catering, restaurant and hotel management have also the possibility to be adopted by certain industries, or start their own business in the trained field.

8. Adaptability with the Working Conditions

adaptability to the working issues

Some specialties have flexible timing such as the catering, hotel fields. They are even active in some seasons. Foreign Entrepreneurs are also benefiting from apprentices, as they provide a productive chain of work. Despite the crisis that remains in people's minds, some sectors still show a labor shortage and are recruiting strongly. Let us mention (excluding the pandemic situation of course) in particular the medical professions, tourism, catering, new technologies, agriculture, etc.

These were the top 8 reasons that make apprenticeships the best vocation of the year. In Portugal, apprenticeship doesn’t include expensive fees. It provides the necessary raw materials for apprentices to start up their own projects and the best marketing strategies to settle the projects.


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