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What Does a Lab Technician Do?

Do you want to become a lab technician? If that's the case, you must know all about this career path. In this post, I will explain all the duties and responsibilities of a Lab technician. Besides, I will tell you what degree or requirement must land a lab technician job and places where you can look for a job. 

Who is a Lab Technician?

Many of us are quite familiar with a technician working in the health care department. If you ever have gone through a blood test, you met with a guy who took your blood sample and provided you a complete blood test report.

Some lab technicians work for the food department, and in that scenario, they perform tests on food and drinks. The purpose of these tests is to check the quality of a product and discover whether food or beverages have some contamination.

A lab technician is an integral part of a scientific research lab. They spend all their time in laboratories performing tests. Sometimes, they work with a scientific staff team; other times, they need to work alone. They usually work in health, manufacturing, and forensics departments. 

what does a lab technician do in usa roles responsibities and requirements

What Does a Lab Technician Do?

If you are interested in a lab technician job, you should understand the leading roles and responsibilities related to this position. Here are some tasks a lab tech worker has to handle daily or weekly.

  • The first thing that every technician will do is to adjust and organize laboratory instruments and equipment. He needs to ensure that every instrument is functioning properly. 
  • After a test is performed, there is a need to disinfect and clean the area and equipment. 
  • A technician is responsible for all supplies inside a lab. He needs to ensure that the lab is well-stocked and fully resourced with essential tools and equipment. 
  • He will collect samples of tissues, blood, and urine, etc., in a scientific laboratory. The job requires the collection of samples and conducting tests/experiments. There is a need to do basic investigations. 
  • He needs to do a thorough analysis of data and reports.
  • Usually, a technician needs to work under a lab manager and supervisors who ask him to prepare and conduct various chemical and biological analysis on a given subject matter.
  • A lab expert will use advanced and high-tech machinery, tools, and equipment for performing specialized experiments. 
  • There is a need to offer utmost assistance to client/patient from sample taking to examining and reporting. 
  • Once a sample is taken, a technician gives a sample receipt and keeps its record per laboratory protocols. Usually, a specific ID number is assigned to a sample so that nothing gets mixed up. 
  • Preparation, identification, and catalog of biological samples for test and storage is another job role he would have to handle on a routine basis.
  • He performs a variety of tests and ensures that its outcome is accurate. 
  • Keeping a full record of research, finding, and reporting is a tedious job role. 
  • Writing reviews, reports, and summaries of every test/experiment.
  • Adding up to date test results and information in the database.
  • A lab technician has to work as per safety, privacy, and health rules and regulations. 
  • Staying informed with the current happening of the scientific research world and equipment innovation. 

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What Skills are Required to Become a Lab Technician?

It is a technician job that requires some critical job-related skills such as laboratory testing, customer service, data entry, microbiology, phlebotomy, chemistry, quality control, occupational health, and safety. 

As far as non-technical skills are concerned, a technician must have communication skills. He needs to work closely with a patient, so he must have excellent verbal skills. Knowledge of technical writing is another must because a person needs to write a comprehensive report about tests. Other transferable skills for this specific job are teamwork, attention to detail, troubleshooting, research, problem-solving, and organization.

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Work Environment and Working Hours

You will have to work 9 to 5 in the health care sector. In some jobs, you might have to work overnight and for extra working hours.

As far as the working environment is concerned, you don't need to work under pressure. It's not a very stressful job. When you have a good practice of testing and experiment, all you have to do is repeat the same procedure repeatedly. In a clinic, you need to work for some hours. Many lab technicians work part-time in national hospitals and private clinics. 

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This job is challenging when a person needs to work in a forensic department as sometimes cases are outstanding. Thereby, an expert has to learn some new concepts before completing research projects. In some clinics, a technician only takes samples, and it's the only interaction with the patient.

In other cases, a lab technician has to spend all his day in the lab and close to his machine and computer. There is no need to interact much with clients, though.

As a medical lab technician, your primary job role is to diagnose a patient's condition. He needs to take samples from patients and run several tests. There is a need to evaluate and analyze every test thoroughly and give an accurate result.

Where can you find jobs for a Lab Technician?

Here are some places where you can apply for this job.

As a lab technician, you can apply to a place with a lab; it could be a private clinic or a hospital. Many universities and colleges also have their independent laboratories, where you can join without much issue. Getting a job in a public health organization is a bit tricky as tons of requirements need to be met. Another cool place to work is a research and development facility, you will learn more about this place, and usually, the salary of this specific job is more. 

what is lab technician salary

What is a lab technician's salary?

Before you know how to become a technician, you must know what the payout will be from this specific job. If you are an expert technician working in the field for years, you can earn above average. However, recent graduates usually work more while getting a below-average salary. The median salary of a lab technician is $40,000 annually. As far as job outlook is concerned, every physician, doctor, and surgeon depends on the tests that come from a lab. They can't diagnose or treat their patients without getting a complete idea of what's wrong with them. Therefore, the demand for a lab technician won't be going down anytime sooner.


How to Become a Lab Technician?

As far as a lab technician's degree is concerned, then there are two different career routes. Some students complete high schools and then take some courses to join this field. On the flip side, some students decide to take an entry into this field after graduation. If a person has a degree in science subjects like physics, chemistry, biochemistry, biology, a person can quickly become a laboratory technologist. 

If you plan to join this field after high school, you can either apply for an apprenticeship and work under a lab manager technician assistant. Basic knowledge of science subjects is a must. After years of field experience, a school leaver can become a lab supervisor.

In case you want to join this career after graduation, you should go for a diploma, which requires you to complete three years. A graduate often spends some time in theoretical preparation and supervised practices. Some candidates opt for a doctorate degree and master's program as through these degrees, one can increase one's chances of getting higher pay. 

Is a Lab Technician a Good Career for me?

If you are considering a lab technician career for yourself and have little or no idea whether this specific job is a good fit for you or not, I suggest you check the roles and responsibilities of a lab technician. A quick view of this role clarifies that you won't have to handle difficult tasks in routine. It's not a difficult or challenging job, so if you are interested in a position that doesn't bring depression in your life, go for this career. 

Do you like the same work every day?

If that's the case, this job is a good fit as you won't have to do much. Every new day, your job involves a test and examination. You have done it so many times before, and you will have to keep doing that. Many people don't like repetition; they need new challenges and tasks, while others don't like surprises and good to deal with the same tasks repeatedly. If you are type one kind of person, you better not take this career route, else you will get bored quickly.

Are you an Introvert?

When the answer is yes, the lab technician is a promising career. You won't have to communicate much. Most of the time, your role requires you to stay in the lab; you don't have to go to the front desks.  If you are a person who can prosper well behind the desk, it's right for you. However, when a person is in the limelight and can't work in a robotic style, it's better to look into other career options.

Do you Love Science?

When the answer is yes, you can opt for this career path. 

This job is scientific, and you don't need to be a scientist to perform well. However, you must love Science and its formula. If you don't, then handling routine tests and examinations will become a significant life burden. 


Are you a Good Observer?

You need to observe, analyze, and evaluate data and test results routinely. There is a need to pay complete attention to every single sample. If you miss minor information, it will change the outcomes. So, if you can pay full attention to all details, you better opt for this job. Want to become a good observer? Here is how.


Finally, you have a complete idea of what a lab technician does. If you are interested in the median average salary, you can opt for this career path. In the end, only you know whether this career is the right choice for you or not. Sit, think, and reflect before you start walking on this career path.


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