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What is the Difference Between Apprenticeship and Internship?

Experience is the key to getting a job in Pakistan. Therefore, people opt for either an Internship or an apprenticeship program. Although they are used as interchangeable terms, yet the fact is that they are quite different. 

Know what Apprenticeship is in Pakistan and how it's beneficial for the career. Also, you can check a post that tells you how about Internships in Pakistan are like golden opportunities.

difference between apprenticeship and internship

Key Difference between Apprenticeship and Internship

Here are some points of difference between both programs.

What the Traing Programs actually are?

Apprenticeship is more like a work training in which an apprentice joins an industry, takes part in the work, and learns how to handle a specific trade. Some industries have apprenticeship programs for their potential employees, where they unlock on-job training opportunities. 

If we talk about Internship then mostly students who are doing graduation opt for this training program. Some universities and colleges of Pakistan require students to complete their Internships at a particular place to get their degrees. For some students, it's compulsory, while for others, it is optional. Most of the time, it's more like gaining some work experience.

internship benefits in Pakistan

How Long This Program Goes?

An apprenticeship is a trade learning program, and therefore, it requires a year to gain experience and knowledge of a particular trade. When it comes to a specific period, this program usually takes one year or even more than two-years. The period depends on a business or work, and apprentices want to learn. He keeps learning until he becomes competent at his job.

An Internship program is quite short. Many students complete internships during their summer vacation or at the end of the semester. For example, if a student does an internship in the banking sector, then it usually ends within two months. The maximum period for this work experience program is 4 to 6 months.

What About Payment or Salary?

An apprenticeship program is known as "Learning with earning." Industries offer an excellent salary to apprentice in the first year, and if the program continues then, he can expect more. Almost every program is paid. 

On the other hand, an internship program may or may not involve a salary. Even when this program is paid, then this amount is not so much. The range of internship program stipend is from PKR 6000-8000 per month.

What Happens at the end of the Learning Program?

In most cases, an apprentice can expect a good-paying job offer from the industry or company, where he got his job. It's a program where companies train their potential employees. They get help from the Skill Development Council in Pakistan, when they want their potential employees to learn new skills or make improvements in the existing ones. At the end of training completion, there is a certified document telling that a person is good at doing a job or trade.

When an internee performs well during his internship program, then there are chances that he gets a job offer. However, 5 out of 10 times this program doesn't lead to a job offer. At the end of the Internship, a student can get an internship letter that tells that he has complete work experience tenure. 

Number of Opportunities

If we compare many internship opportunities with that of apprenticeship, then you come to know that former outnumber the latter. The reason is that students can get work experience by joining any industry, and almost every other company offers this opportunity. There are both paid, and non-paid Internship offers from the companies. However, Apprenticeship opportunities are minimal, and only a few industries offer them.

Level of Responsibility

In an internship, an internee is carefree. He doesn't have to do much. He comes to the place on time, and most of the time, he spends observing the work. His trainer tells him what exactly the things are in the workplace. He gets a few tasks and learns from it. 

On the other hand, an apprenticeship is like a full-time job where a person must have to handle the task. He is like an employee who gets more involved and takes some responsibilities. He must have to follow workplace ethics. The level of responsibility is higher for apprentices in comparison to internee. 

Classroom training is a Must

Apprenticeship is a full-fledge on-job training that always has some classroom orientation and induction session. The purpose is to make a person understand every single aspect involved in his potential job. So, it's a combination of theory and practical.

Contrary to this, Internship only involves work-related experience. No classroom lecturers or studies are a part of it. 

Wrap up

The main difference between Internship and apprenticeship is its period, pay, responsibility level, classroom training session, and several opportunities. If you are seeking a training program that turns into a job, then yes, you should opt for an apprenticeship in Pakistan. However, when you want to mention your work experience, then you can go with an internship.

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