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What is the Importance of Promises at Workplace?

Never make a promise you can't keep. It's a phrase you commonly hear in your life. What about promises at the workplace? I'm talking about promises you make your colleagues, and it's a very different scenario. As a person, you must keep every promise you make unless it becomes more like a challenge.

In this post, I'm going to talk about general workplace promises, which are pretty important. Without them, the whole organizational structure suffers. If an employer ignores these promises, the business experiences failure due to a high employee turnover rate.

Targeting the Company Goals

Every team of an organization needs some set goals. When it comes to assigning duties, everybody must know what role he should play to meet that goal. So, once he knows his duty clearly, he needs to make a public promise that he will do his job. 

Now, what if he doesn't keep that promise at the workplace? Other team members will do their jobs, and the team has to wait for one person who doesn't follow the guidelines. As a whole, project deadlines cross, and goals won't be targeted. 

Isn't it a frustrating situation? It is. 

However, when promises are made publically, then everyone knows that he will be accountable for the job. When he doesn't complete the task, management will inquire. This sense of responsibility lets teams accomplish company goals on time.

Tracking Success 

Imagine an organization that doesn't have promise-based management. Some teams will work well and bring profit. Other teams won't have to meet any work project deadline or promise as there is no accountability system. 

Without a specific system in place, you can monitor goal time. Thereby it becomes hard to track your success. 

Let's suppose. There is a team where some workers try their hard while others don't do much. As low-performing candidates don't have any accountability, they will get away with it, and thereby your organization suffers due to poor performers. 

Learn to Measure Organizational Performance

For success, you need long-term goals that your employee must fulfil in the short term through determination, dedication, and commitment. No promise at the workplace means no good work, and you suffer from a success angle.

Engaging Employee

If an employee performs well on the job, he must be rewarded, praised, and acknowledged for his excellent work. Organizations should keep their promises that they made with employees regarding rewards and perks to keep them engaged. 

Promises at workplace detailed concept

Let's suppose you have a target to achieve in a month. An employee outperforms others, and now he expects some reward like free membership, salary bonus, etc. This is a kind of implied promise from every organization that top-performers will enjoy recognition and reward.

Now, if you don't care about them and don't reward them in a way they like, they won't get motivated. Next time, they won't care about your company goals and target. They believe that no matter what they do, you will not reward them. 

Read Methods of Staying Motivated at Workplace

Employee engagement level has a direct connection with a successful company. Read here. When you cannot keep employees engaged and motivated due to a renege, how can you expect your company to grow in the long run?

Reward them for their efforts, and they enjoy recognition for their actions. They stay motivated and would perform better next time to achieve something big. It's how your organizational goals will be met, and you keep your employees.

Managing and Leading Remote Team

As more and more organizations have started hiring remote teams to cut operational costs and keep up with the COVID-19 scenario, management should learn how to work with this specific team.

You can't stay connected all the time with team members who don't have in-person relationships. So, what to do to create a robust remote control. Well, the simple answer to this question is to build trust.

Forbes provide you 13 Tips for Managing Remote Teams

You need to make a promise with team members that they will be paid on time. If they need some sort of help, they will be there for you. At the end of the project, you require to promise them some bonus,etc.

This promise-based management builds their trust in your company brick by brick. Making promises is one thing and keeping them is another thing.

You can boost the productivity level of your remote team and fill the boundary gap by fulfilling promises at the workplace.

Developing Healthy Organizational Culture

An organization promises to employees that they will get a chance to work in corporate culture to get complete employee rights. This culture must have healthy components like rewards, goal-setting, support, learning facilities, promotion, development opportunities. 

importance of promises at workplace

It shouldn't negatively affect workplace bullying, safety issues, politics, nepotism, and other elements.Learn to win office politics

If you promote a healthy culture, employees feel comfortable and know that you are keeping the promise of good culture with them.

On the contrary, if conflicts go unchecked at the workplace, it will lead to politics. Thereby, the whole organizational culture will be at stake. Employees will feel that they can’t stay in a company that cannot provide them with the good culture they deserve.

In the same way, diversity is essential in the workplace. If your company culture doesn’t consider this aspect and discriminate against employees on gender, ethnicity, race, or other bases. You are not keeping up with a global culture that accepts diversity. Sooner or later, this non-commitment will backfire and cause your company to suffer.

Wrap up

For long-term success and company growth, you need to keep promises at the workplace. Don’t commit to something you aren’t able to do. Every company knows its limits. During the recruitment process, many organizations try to keep good talent by offering them something. Later on, when they don’t give them what they promised before, it’s how they start losing their employees. The cost of high employee turnover is unbearable. Try to keep your employee engaged and motivated by developing a culture where every promise is entertained.

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