What Will Career Development Be Like In The Next 50 Years?

Have you ever thought about promotions and how to develop your career? There is a plan that many employees and workers consider after landing a job in Portugal. If you are preparing to move towards this step, you need to learn the best tips that facilitate this process in Portugal. Let’s get started.

What is Career Development?

What is career development

Career development is a way to escalate in your professional hierarchy. For employees who dream of more than professional stability, they need to consider the best strategies that help them to evolve in better professions. Career development manifests itself through obtaining chief positions, and higher job titles. It can be also considered as a way to enrich your CV and prove yourself within the changing job market. Career development is also linked to job satisfaction and additional advantages. Whatever is your field of occupation, career development includes the steps that help you realize your professional growth. If so,  how to grow professionally? There are always tips and pushing factors that lead to career development. If you are curious about them, sign up to Fratres. Fratres is a job portal that includes the best existing tips to improve your work life. Here is what you need to learn about career development in Portuguese professions:

1.Empower your CV and Cover Letter:

It is hard for entry-level applicants to get automatic promotions. Try to enrich your CV by several experiences. Avoid extensive gaps or breaks in your CV. Show your ability to move from one profession to another. Try to sum up these experiences in your cover letter. By empowering these documents, you can get a better job.

2.Set your Professional Goals:

Career development doesn’t happen automatically in your work life. It has to be planned for and anticipated as a result for your trials. It is important to seek guidance from job portal websites and follow the best ways to set your goals. If you are at the beginning of your career life, you need to consider its professional hierarchies and ways to shift from one level to another. So try to structure  a clear picture of where you want to be in the future. Gather the necessary information that helps you reach your target job title. You can consider developing your knowledge and your academic background.

3. Understand the Corporate Culture:

Every profession is set by rules and regulations. If you conduct research on the available professional contracts in Portugal, you will learn about the possible ways for career development. This tip will provide you information about:

-How to relocate and save transport time.

-The possible paid leaves and holidays

-The possible advantages such as social security and health insurance

-The required period for professional shifts

-The target working hours and achievements

-The  termination rules

-The exit or resignation rules.

Take a look at; Portuguese labor law: employment contracts and working conditions

4.  Seek Long-term Professional Growth:

Career development is always about advancing in career and not the opposite. That’s why, it is necessary to compare between the available offers that differ from your current job. You should think about a better transition from an entry-level position to a Senior one. When establishing your career plan, it is essential to identify the stability of your development project; is it a temporary professional situation, or a long-term one. Try to consider the strategies that help you reach long-term professional growth without falling back to the current profession.

5. Keep Learning:

learning for development

Career development is the result of constant learning. If you don’t have any additional knowledge in your field, you cannot shift to a better position. Some fields grant career promotions through extra qualifications or internal candidate tests. That’s why it is always important to invest your free time in learning the necessary skills that lead to your professional development.

6. Evaluation:

Evaluation of all types ( be it self-evaluation or the reviews obtained from managers) can play a salient role in professional growth. It helps you identify your strengths and weaknesses and how to work to empower them. It also helps you to determine what you should do to achieve career development in a better way.


Qualifications are always appreciated, despite the challenges that new graduates find in getting their first job. For employees, the case is totally different. In Portugal, additional degrees and certificates with a progressive work experience can help in the career development process. If you are planning to

8. Getting professional updates:

Career development happens when you understand the offers of your field. You cannot expect a promotion straight after hiring you. You should be patient by showing great work ethics, compatibility with the team, additional value and consistency. If you are operating in a stagnant position, it’s time to consider career change and how to find a better place in the job market. It is important to give attention to the professional updates of your field and in your target destination. Take a look at; International Conferences in Portugal 2022 & 2023

9. Networking:

Networking not only works for beginners. It also works for ambitious applicants who are seeking to improve their professional situation. Networking helps to create a professional value that indicates your eligibility towards better positions. It also helps in searching for better opportunities , be it in your field or outside your current job.

10. Attending Professional Seminars, Periodic Meetings:

development tips

 No matter your field of expertise, there is always a way to train and re-establish the workforce. In Portugal, coaching professionals organize seminars and meetings to introduce the new strategies of employment and their links with the economic situation. This tip works for career development, as it offers a clear image of the future career options and ways to reach them. Remember that professional growth techniques are not the same at every time and conditions change depending on the level of competition and the current economic situations.

These were the secrets for career development in Portugal. Always choose a field that keeps you motivated and productive. After all, career development is not about choosing a job for its financial benefits.


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