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Which CV Alternative Can you Pick Nowadays?

It is very common to download a CV template or build a CV on a plain paper. A CV  is an essential document to promote for your professional skills to get a job. Employers might get bored out of receiving thousands of identical CVs that technically look the same. Do you want some creative ways to deliver your skills and expertise? You are in the right token that will make your professional dream come true.

What are the Current Types of CVs:

the current types of CVs

A CV type can tell about your work experience, skills and educational level. There is no random choice of CV templates, as this document is classified under several types that help employers to speculate about your professional history. Job seekers have a wide range of options to pick a CV suitable for their professional situation. Mainly there are 4 CV types in the application process.

A Chronological CV:

It is a CV, where you cite your professional experiences starting with the most recent and ending with the oldest. You can use this method if you want to highlight your last professional experience, as it is close to your employment objective. This type is to be used by all people with professional experience. The major drawback of this type of CV is that it presents the most recent professional experience last. In addition, periods of inactivity in the CV are immediately spotted.

A Functional CV:

This type is more detailed, as you are going to describe the different positions held in different companies, and give the details of your activities. You do not have to specify the names of the companies or the dates of your recruitment. The Functional CV is used to emphasize career development, especially when you want to apply for a job where professional skills and competences are more important than studies. It is also useful when you want to change careers or when looking for a first job. This type makes it easier to highlight professional skills and successes, in particular as it conceals periods of inactivity.

A Skills-based CV:

Beginners who didn’t thrive to get a job experience and have only skills in their pockets,  are suitable for skills-based CV. This type is specially designed to highlight the path of beginner candidates. The skills-based CV is ideal for highlighting your internships, education, skills, hobbies, etc...How to Write a CV with no Experience

A Combination CV

As in the functional CV, you present your areas of expertise by detailing your activities. Then, in a chronological CV, you briefly indicate the companies and the dates of your jobs. A combination CV is a mixture of skills and work experience, in which you can highlight certain information that make you eligible for the job. You may also read; What Words Should I Use on My CV?

These were the common 4 types, where websites offer you a wide range of formats to follow, while crafting your CV. There are many tips to make your CV stand out from the crowd. But, have you ever taken the risk and sought for attractive CV alternatives to make your application more special.

CV Alternatives:

To find an internship or even a job, a CV is essential or even mandatory in most cases. The problem is that all CVs look the same; they include: an identity section, work experience section, training section, skills and hobbies. To get the job of their dreams, some job seekers develop their ideas and originality to catch the recruiters’ eyes. Tired of all typical and lifeless CVs, they decided to stand out with unusual, even original CVs. It can be a virtual CV or visual CV. There are so many weird and yet original attempts to enter the race of recruitment.

Unusual CVs that Surprised Employers:

Unusual CVs

Today, creativity is a way to sell yourself for a job. You can show this talent by crossing the boundaries of a usual expected CV, and get crazy ideas from Fratres website. If you are currently looking for a job or an internship, this article will allow you to find original ideas for your CV. You will discover that you can put yourself forward very easily when you have a lot of imagination.


If you are an illustrator or a fine art graduate, why don’t you build a 3D CV? To face the competition when looking for internships or jobs, it is a good way to stand out from other candidates by making a 3D CV.

A Brand CV:

As it may tell from its name, it is a CV that includes a personal brand, suitable for event management jobs, catering jobs, hotel management jobs. It is a CV written on a leaflet of the same size of a poster and uses the same friendly tone of the brand.

A Scratch Card CV:

a box CV

Some applicants want to keep their information hidden under a scratch winning card. Although it seems childish and brilliant at the same time, this CV seems like the  ticket of lucky winners, where you scratch the paper to read the content. This idea was first applied by a project manager applicant, who made a CV in the form of scratch games, in which employers can discover through scratching the cards his professional experiences as well as his skills. You may also read; How to Become a Video Game tester in UK

A Magazine Cover CV

The dream of being on a magazine’s Cover has always occupied the teenagers’ minds. It gives the impression of being a V.I.P. candidate. Many applicants interested in journalism, modeling careers or even flight attendant jobs have highlighted their candidacy through a graphic design session to make a CV looking identical to a creative magazine. Take a look at; Why do Recruiters Hate your CV

That was all about the original CV alternatives that their owners dared to surprise hiring managers by original applications. If you were planning to make an original CV, which one would you choose?



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