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  • How Students Can Make The Most From A Career Fair

How Students Can Make The Most From A Career Fair

Career Fair is also known as career expo or job fair. It is one of the recruiting events specifically for students and for those who seek jobs.

In this event, the recruiters and employers meet the other employers. Besides this, the students and other people who take part in this career fair find more about the various job opening.

Job fairs aren't just for job seekers, far from it. They also have many advantages for businesses. These are very interesting for companies because they can meet many active or job-seeking student candidates in one day. It is also a way of having a quick, first informal contact.

Benefits Of Career Fair

Here are the main advantages that job fairs represent for any company:

  • You access a large number of candidates in one place
  • You can also proceed with the visibility of your company brand.
  • You meet extraordinary candidates
  • You meet other companies

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Here Are Some Ways To Set Yourself Apart From Your Competitors

Present useful and original material: Potential candidates have probably already learned about your business on the internet. Offer them information that they could not easily find elsewhere. For example, if your website does not include photos of your offices, plan a slideshow offering job seekers a virtual tour of your business.

Attract attention to your stand:  Stand out with an original decoration, which catches the eye. You will increase your chances of attracting more candidates and widening your range of choices.

Be open to all disciplines and all routes: Do not present material that will attract only a specific group of applicants. For example, you should avoid displaying signs calling for "Masters in Economics". It may be surprised you at the variety of profiles that might suit the position but not reliable.

Do not refer applicants to your website:  Job fair attendees often complain that they are traveling specifically to have privileged contact with the employer and that the employer refers them to their website, asking them to apply online. You have to show them that they were right to come and that they are receiving special treatment.

how to introduce yourself in a job fair

How To Introduce Yourself In A Job Fair

Looking for a job is a pure marketing process which consists of studying the upstream market in order to meet a specific request from recruiters.

Many candidates make the mistake of showing up at a trade fair without preparing for it. It is the single and only goal to sell them, to sell their CV and their professional experience of the past.

Learn more about how to prepare for a behavioral interview

Tip-1: Define your professional project with precision: It is important to get into the show knowing.

  • What you really want?
  • What are the jobs that attract you?
  • What companies do you intend to contact?
  • What type of contract or position are you looking for?

If you come to the fair just to submit your CV, no need to travel. The goal is to meet the recruiters and show that you are attentive to what they offer. So don't hesitate to ask them as many questions as possible.

Tip-2: It is imperative to find out about the companies present at the forum if you want to leave a good image of yourself. Who are they? What positions do they offer? What are their needs and their positions in the job market?

Tip-3: Prepare your interview: Remember that a recruiter judges you in the first three minutes of the interview. It is, therefore, preferable to practice it beforehand by preparing your arguments. The way of presenting yourself is significant. In addition, the recruiter may ask you certain questions such as:

  • Why are you coming to our stand?
  • What is your professional project?
  • What are your motivations for this job?

Be prepared to respond to them in a relevant manner, to show that you are listening to his expectations.

Remember that you are not there to beg for a job, but to convince him that you are the one he is looking for.

Tip-4: The day before the forum, take stock of the day ahead. You should provide a large number of CVs even if you have set a number of companies to see.

Do not hesitate to go to meet other companies whether it is to meet people, create a network or even train for interviews. You should know that when you travel to a forum, it takes at least half a day.

The candidates who come to the Career fair and leave after half an hour have very little chance of attracting the attention of recruiters.

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job fair in colleges

Job Fair In Colleges

The Regional Student Job Fair takes place annually in March, at the college. This event represents a unique opportunity to put in direct contact employers in the greater region looking for staff for the summer season and students who are looking for summer jobs.

Career fairs help final year students find their first job. Most universities or student associations organize them every year. Many students take advantage of these events to meet a large number of companies in one day.

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